Initiative would foster energy efficiency, homeowner savings

From the AP:

Oregon lawmakers hope to encourage property owners to invest in energy efficiency upgrades by expanding a state loan program.

A bipartisan group of legislators announced their plan Wednesday, saying the move would help combat climate change while also creating jobs throughout the state by dramatically increasing the number of efficiency projects each year.

The program would allow property owners to take out loans and grants, financed through state bonds, to help fund upgrades. They could repay the loan at a low interest rate over a long period time through their utility bills.

Sponsors said property owners would see an almost immediate decrease in their utility bill, even with the loan payment tacked on.

"We know that energy efficiency and renewable energy projects are good investments in the future," said state Rep. Jules Bailey, D-Portland, one of the bill's chief sponsors.

Bailey said tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars worth of projects could be funded through the program if approved, the added benefit of which would be economic stimulus to the state.

See the video from KATU here.

  • (Show?)

    This is a great idea! It should be pursued with all vigor!

  • George Anonymuncule Seldes (unverified)

    Bravo. Getting this passed should be Oregon's #1 environmental and economic development priority this session.

  • LT (unverified)

    "The program would allow property owners to take out loans and grants, financed through state bonds, to help fund upgrades. They could repay the loan at a low interest rate over a long period time through their utility bills."

    This makes so much more sense than the House Republican "Main Street" project which expects to be paid for by tax credits at a time of revenue shortfall when the Revenue Committee is talking about scaling back/ending tax credits.

    Tax credits must be paid for in the budget cycle--what do House Republicans intend to cut to pay for them.

    On the other hand, Oregon has a good bond rating and the last bond sale had more buyers than sellers.

  • Garage Wine (unverified)

    ... the last bond sale had more buyers than sellers.

    And in other news: Water is wet.

  • trishka (unverified)

    what initiative is this exactly? do we have a bill number we can look into? thanks!

  • (Show?)

    Hi Trishka,

    The bill number is HB 2626.

  • (Show?)

    Though don't read too much into the detailed language of HB2626. It's based on an older draft and will be amended significantly.

  • trishka (unverified)

    t'anks, charlie! off to check it out.

  • Les Lambert (unverified)


    HB 2626 is an excellent start. But what about giving renters the same option - in both residential and commercial buildings?

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