Ron Saxton, Ben Canada, and the half-million-dollar golden parachute

Over at Olson Online, blogger Terry Olson - a retired English teacher - is taking a look at Ron Saxton's record on education. In particular, he's going back and reviewing Saxton's tenure as chair of the Portland School Board.

First, Ben Canada, Saxton's choice to lead the district in 1998, is arguaby the worst superintendent in Portland Public's history. Canada single-handedly cost the district both money and whatever credibility the district had left when he was forced from office. His "golden parachute", and that of his assistant, Susan Dyer, cost the district $550,000.

Saxton had this to say about Canada:

" 'The credibility of the district is largely tied to the personal credibility of the superintendent,' Saxton asserts. 'I think Ben has done a great job with that.' "

And when asked by Willamette Week (scroll down) about his role in the hiring of Canada, Saxton repled:

"Well, I absolutely favored and voted for the hiring of Ben Canada."

Go read the rest. Discuss over there.


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