Senate renews county timber payments, bill goes to House
A one-year renewal of county timber payments has passed the U.S. Senate as part of the major transportation bill.The Senate voted 74-22 Wednesday in favor of the bill, sending it to the House, where prospects for renewal of county timber payments remain uncertain.Oregon Democrat Sen. Ron Wyden says passage of the timber payments renewal will give counties breathing room while long-term solutions are found for funding schools, law enforcement, roads and other services.The amendment attached to the transportation bill last week would distribute $346 million to 700 counties in 41 states. It represents a 5 percent reduction in the 2011 payments under the Secure Rural Schools Act and the Payment In Lieu of Taxes program.The largest shares go to Oregon, California, Washington state, Idaho and Montana.Copyright 2012 The Associated Press.
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Posted on March 14, 2012
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