Matt Wingard: "Oregon’s per capita income is 9 percent below the national average and getting worse. This is a state that’s actually getting poorer."
The Truth-o-Meter says: Half-True | Is Oregon’s per capita income nine percent below the national average -- and does that mean we’re getting poorer?
Oregon Rep. Matt Wingard and other House Republicans have vowed to unveil a jobs package in time for the February legislative session, saying that Oregonians are growing poorer. "Oregon’s per capita income is 9 percent below the national average and getting worse. This is a state that’s actually getting poorer. My Republican colleagues and I are determined to change that trajectory," the Wilsonville Republican said in a news post at OregonCatalyst. PolitiFact Oregon hadn’t been keeping up with the latest in per capita personal income statistics so we wanted to know if ... >> More
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Posted on Jan. 06, 2012
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