Will Occupy Portland Decide to Stay or Go? (Hint: It Might Be Both)
Denis C. TheriaultOccupy Portland's general assembly will begin deciding tonight how to respond to Mayor Sam Adams' Sunday morning eviction notice, with occupiers clearly divided over whether some or all occupiers should stay and fortify the camps at Chapman and Lownsdale squares or start—and how to go about putting that plan in place if that's what's decided. One idea floated at a noon emergency meeting outside city hall (it was peaceful, but still sent the building into lockdown) included holding a dance party and a potluck for occupiers and even police, and then moving into a quiet vigil where occupiers would share their personal stories before nonviolent arrests for those who want to be arrested. That was what happened at Jamison Square, and it wound up being a powerful rallying moment for occupiers. (Oh, and on the subject of city lockdowns, a city source tells me the Portland Building has blocked off bike access all weekend at its garage, which faces Chapman Square across Fourth.) But others weren't so amenable to letting the camp shut down without some kind of struggle. Protesters called for fortifications, calling in occupiers from other Oregon cities, and creating bike-locked human chains all around the parks. "This is my fucking home," said one protester. In other tactics aired at the meeting this afternoon, legal advisers suggested trying to file a First Amendment injunction. There was wide attention paid to the fact that evictions in other cities failed to actually dislodge anyone. The reality of what's coming late Saturday, however, is rippling through the campsites. A few tents have come down, with people saying they aren't going to stick around for the arrests with others just reducing their footprints. A few occupiers have discussed getting gas masks. At one point, a firecracker went off. The police presence is palpably heavier, thanks to cops coming through and passing out fliers telling campers how to get into shelters downtown. (Meanwhile, a police source confirms that it's not unreasonable to suspect that anyone arrested Sunday morning might wind up in jail for a couple of days—longer than previous arrests—to discourage a reoccupation.) Also, no one wants Occupy's expensive infrastructure confiscated—especially if it can be reused in a future occupation or even just in a building the city helps the movement obtain. The medics have taken down their storage tent and sent the extra supplies to a home offsite. The kitchen staff, when I was passing through, was mixing in talk of how to break down with talk of dispensing large plates of macaroni and cheese. "We'll be discussing soon how to secure our assets," I was told. And wouldn't you know it. The Real Occupy Portland surfaced again today. Their missive is below. [ Subscribe to the comments on this story ]
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Posted on Nov. 10, 2011
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