Smith Finds his Focus in Mayor's Race
The most notable is with state Rep. Bob Jenson, R-Pendleton, with whom he forged an unlikely partnership to work on the Umatilla Basin Aquifer Restoration Project.
The effort – which broke ground early this month – involved an innovative solution to irrigating the land, filling the dry basin and helping maintain the Umatilla River flow for fish, by pulling water from the Columbia River in the winter months.
From his home in Hermiston, Jenson told the Tribune: “I think he probably would make a good manager for the city of Portland. He’s basically young, well educated, very bright, very alert, and he has a deep commitment, I think, to working for the betterment of society, of people.”
Jenson’s not alone. “A lot of Republicans feel, I think, the same as I do – they respect his commitment, his ability to have insights into things, grasp problems quickly, and his willingness to take on the problems.”
Smith’s other proudest legislative work includes Oregon’s “Cool Schools” initiative; the state’s first human trafficking bill; championing the bill to put the whole state budget online; and to reduce middle management in state government.
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Posted on Oct. 20, 2011
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