Proposal for every-other-week garbage service hits Portland City Council next week
In an effort to bring curbside composting service to all of Portland, Mayor Sam Adams wants Portlanders to give up once-a-week garbage service.
Read the full article here. Discuss below.
Posted on Aug. 05, 2011
connect with blueoregon
9:56 a.m.
Aug 6, '11
First, which is it, every other week or twice per month? They use those terms interchangeably, but one implies a consistent two week interval and the other implies quarterly three week intervals.
Second, how will the rates be determined? The current system charges more per pickup opportunity, counting garbage, recycling and yard debris, if you are on the monthly plan than if you are on the weekly plan, and far more per garbage pickup. It also doesn't give you the option of less than weekly recycling pickup. In other words, it penalizes those who minimize their discards and small households.