Wu's Out! Who's In?
It's official: David Wu submitted his handwritten resignation letter to Governor Kitzhaber. The letter reads: "There is no other job where you get up every day and ask, 'How can I try to make the world a better place today.'" Hmm... How could you make the world a better place, one day at a time? I have some ideas. And they start with not assaulting young women. Anyway, since Wu has officially resigned, Governor Kitz can set the date for the special election to replace him: A primary on November 8th will lead to an election on January 31st. The field to replace Wu is getting a little crowded. On the Republican side, there's Rob Cornilles, who I think has a pretty good shot given the voting demographics of the district. For the Democrats, State Senator Suzanne Bonamici has recently jumped into the race—though her website is little more than two buttons asking for donations. State Representative Brad Witt and Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian have a head start. But all the candidates have strong supporters—this is shaping up to be a tight three-way race in the primary. [ Subscribe to the comments on this story ]
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Posted on Aug. 04, 2011
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