State job benefits on par with private employees'
The report referred to in this article can be found here.
Oregon state worker compensation tends to be a perennial hot topic.Many folks in the public sector look at the state work force with envy, particularly when it comes to benefits like health insurance and retirement pension.
State workers counter that yes, their benefits are terrific — but that's because they have focused on those benefits at the bargaining table at the expense of pay increases. The private worker gets better pay but lousier benefits, this argument goes.
Who's right? Do state workers receive comparable total compensation to the private sector or are they making out better than the private work force?
Turns out there's a biennial report that attempts to answer just that very question.
Read the full article here. Discuss below.
Posted on June 14, 2010
connect with blueoregon
6:02 p.m.
Jun 14, '10
A good reference the next time the anti government, anti-tax crowd tries to use national government wages for Oregon numbers to compare public vs. private wages.