Some Bills Languish At Session's End
SALEM, Ore. - Oregon lawmakers say they're on track to finish by the Thursday deadline. But on their way to the exit, they're letting some bills drop by the wayside. One measure hung up in committee is aimed at giving small businesses easier access to state-backed loans. In Salem, Bryan Buckalew explains.
Read the full article here. Discuss below.
Posted on June 27, 2011
connect with blueoregon
2:55 p.m.
Jun 28, '11
Why is this bill being actively ignored? This is a simple bill that improves efficiency and creates a new channel for existing economic development funds to reach local businesses. It has no public opposition and supporters range from community banks (and the Oregon Bankers Association), small business and family farm advocates, Republicans, Democrats and folks from each of the minor parties, city councilors and mayors from towns across Oregon, unanimous bipartisan support coming out of the House Revenue committee plus the Treasurer and Governor's support. Given the support and vetting this bill has had surely it wouldn't take up much time to move it to a vote. It is amazing Representative Richardson doesn't pick this bill up, squeeze it into the mix and claim a little credit!