Loretta Smith endorsed by Dan Staton; Karol Collymore by Gretchen Kafoury
Smith today announced she’s been endorsed by county Sheriff Dan Staton, who easily beat out corrections Sgt. Mohammad Ra’oof in Tuesday’s primary. Staton won the election to finish the rest of former Sheriff Bernie Giusto’s term, plus a new four-year term starting in 2011.
We have a call out to Staton on why he chose to weigh in on the commissioner race to represent North and Northeast Portland.
UPDATE: Not to be outdone, Collymore says she’s also picked up a new endorsement from Gretchen Kafoury, a former commissioner for both the county and the city. Kafoury had backed Rev. Chuck Currie in the primary.
Read the full article here. Discuss below.
Posted on May 21, 2010
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