New Seasons Wants Oregon to Raise the Minimum Wage
Portland-based organic grocer New Seasons this morning announced its support for a statewide increase in the minimum wage. That makes the company the largest employer in Oregon to publicly endorse a minimum-wage hike. New Seasons did not specify how high it wants the minimum wage, but hinted it prefers a bill in the Oregon Legislature to a statewide ballot measure.“For the things we champion – quality of life, sustainable food economy and thriving communities – Oregon needs an increase in the minimum wage,” New Seasons CEO Wendy Collie said in a statement. “It needs to be done in the right way, and we are hopeful that the 2016 legislative session will resolve this issue for the state of Oregon.”The grocer also announced it’s hiking its own minimum wage from $10 to $12 an hour. New Seasons announced its wage-hike support in tandem with a raft of Portland businesses—many of them restaurants. They include Better World Club, Chef’s Table, FMYI, Grain & Gristle, Grand Central Bakery, HOTLIPS Pizza, Looptworks, Morel Ink, Neil Kelly, ¿Por Qué No?, and The Joinery.
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Posted on Sept. 24, 2015
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