New Bills Roundup: No to Phonebooks! Yes to Recycled Roads!
Two small but important pieces of environmental legislation jump out from the piles of bills proposed for far for this session: One making phone books delivery an opt-in process statewide and another mandating that the state use recycled materials to build roads.
The stack of phone books that pile up on my porch throughout the year annoy me to no end. It's sad to take them directly from the porch and drop them, one by one, into the recycle bin, where they will eventually be pulped and made into new phone books to deliver to my porch. Opting out of delivery is totally possible, but a bit complicated.
Yes, some people do actually use phone books. But according to a DEQ study in 2003, there were five times as many phone books as homes in Oregon and 80 percent of them weren't recycled.
Read the full article here. Discuss below.
Posted on Jan. 15, 2011
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