Merkley is trouncing Wehby in Oregon Senate Race
H/T TPM Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) leads Republican nominee Dr. Monica Wehby in the Oregon Senate race by double digits, according to the Republican-leaning pollster Rasmussen Reports. The Rasmussen survey released on Sunday found Merkley leading Wehby 47 percent to 37 percent among likely voters in Oregon. Five percent said they preferred another candidate, and 11 percent said they were undecided. The poll came less than a week after Wehby won the GOP nomination for Merkley's Senate seat. Before election night, two police reports concerning Wehby surfaced. One report said that Wehby's ex-boyfriend had accused her of stalking him. Another report also said that Wehby's ex-husband accused her of ongoing harassment. The survey was conducted May 21 to May 22 among 750 likely voters. It had a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.
Just a few weeks ago Republicans were telling themselves that Wehby would make Oregon a pick-up opportunity: WAVE YEAR? Daily Caller Poll Shows Deep-Blue Oregon Flashing Red Oregon Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley is running neck-and-neck with Republican challenger Monica Wehby, according to a new Daily Caller/Vox Populi Polling survey of registered voters in the state. Wehby, a Portland-based pediatric neurosurgeon, received the support of 40 percent of respondents, while an additional five percent say they are leaning towards supporting the first-time candidate. Merkley, who was elected to the Senate in 2008, garners the support of just 39 percent of respondents, with two percent saying they lean towards supporting him. link
Who are Vox Populi? Well, they are the living proof that grifters are going to grift and the Republicans learned nothing about how polling actually works in 2012: New GOP polling firm to launch A small group of top Washington Republicans is teaming up to launch a new polling firm, Vox Populi Polling, that will churn out volumes of survey data ahead of the 2014 midterm elections. The firm plans to produce both public and private polling, tracking high-priority 2014 races and issue debates. It will employ a combination of automated polling and live-caller methodology to reach cell phone users, according to strategists involved in the effort. Mary Cheney, the political strategist and daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, is among the firm’s half-dozen partners. Joining her in the enterprise are longtime GOP operative Barry Bennett, Americans for Job Security president Stephen DeMaura and Frank Sadler of Cove Strategies, as well as Alicia Downs and Brent Seaborn of TargetPoint Consulting. Link.
Maybe their next poll should ask where Oregonians would trust a doctor who likes to pose for photos wearing scrubs and pearls - both traditional cultured and Tahitian.
I'll let Erick Erickson have the final word: We have lost Oregon with Monica Wehby.
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Posted on May 26, 2014
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