Oregon delegation survives national GOP onslaught
Republican Rep. Greg Walden will see his power increase under new House leadership.
Read the full article here. Discuss below.
Posted on Nov. 02, 2010
connect with blueoregon
Republican Rep. Greg Walden will see his power increase under new House leadership.
Read the full article here. Discuss below.
Posted on Nov. 02, 2010
connect with blueoregon
11:50 p.m.
Nov 2, '10
Oregon deserves what they get with ass-clowns like Wu and Blumenauer being re-elected.Wu sits on the education committee and Oregon ranks almost dead last. How could any clear thinking adult vote for a man who has done absolutely nothing in 12 years in congress? Time to re-organize the districts in this state so we can flush human garbage like Wu out of office the same way he has managed to hold onto his job; only this time by taking away from him all of the flaming liberals of Portland ...the only thing that has kept him employed for all of these years. If Wu have any honor or integrity at all he would have fired himself for incompetence years ago
11:51 p.m.
Nov 2, '10
gee that's too bad about Dr. Taxhiker... I won't miss looking at his angry face that's for sure.