More than 130 retired lawmakers urge a return to civility in politics
Former Sen. Bob Packwood was one of 130 retired members of Congress to sign an open letter demanding that lawmakers and candidates focus on solving problems rather than destroying the opposing party.
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Posted on Oct. 04, 2010
connect with blueoregon
1:16 p.m.
Oct 4, '10
They don't list the signers by party so we cannot tell the mix, but my guess is few of the Republicans signing this could get elected today as a Republican.
1:39 p.m.
Oct 4, '10
I concur. The more rabid the rhetoric, the greater the clout in the GOP.
7:11 p.m.
Oct 4, '10
Gentlemen - Whether or not what you say is true, it's not exactly in the spirit with which letter was offered.
2:18 p.m.
Oct 5, '10
Wake me up when 130 active lawmakers call for a return to civility.