Tracking voting patterns among legislators: HB2787


The map below shows how each legislator voted on HB2787, in addition to tracking overall voting patterns. Red areas represent legislators who tend to vote "Republican" — that is, along Republican party lines. At this early stage in vote tracking, it also represents Republican legislators. Should a Republican legislator vote more consistently along Democratic party lines, however, that could change. Blue areas, likewise, represent legislators who tend to vote "Democratic." The darker the color, the more consistently along party lines that legislator tends to vote. Lighter colors represent legislators who have deviated from their party's majority vote. Purple-colored areas are for legislators whose voting patterns cannot be tracked yet due to insufficient data. Click on each individual district to see which legislator represents that geographic area. Be sure to zoom in to see more detail around higher urban populations, as well. Thoughts? Feedback? Email reporter Laura Fosmire at

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