Jeff Merkley: Says, "Since 1994 when VAWA was first passed, incidents of domestic violence have dropped more than 50 percent."
The Truth-o-Meter says: True | Jeff Merkley says domestic abuse against women has fallen 50 percent since federal law went into effect
Violence - or the potential for violence - is everywhere. It’s the reason we have police and laws, jails and federal programs to study the causes and suggest responses. It’s the reason, too, that Congress passes laws to address crime in all its facets. One of those is the Violence Against Women Act, which is intended to protect women from domestic abuse and violence. It provides federal dollars for an array of programs to achieve that goal. Oregon, for example, collected $9.4 million in 2012 for programs to protect women from violence. ... >> More
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Posted on Feb. 11, 2013
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