Measure 70 expands home loan benefits for Oregon veterans; one veteran helped bring the issue to voters
Robert Bushman applied for the Oregon War Veterans' Fund home loan benefit in 2008, but was denied. After 30 years of service in the U.S. Air Force Reserve, Bushman had enough active duty to qualify for the benefit, but hadn't served 210 consecutive days, a requirement listed in the Oregon Constitution.
Robert Bushman is one of about 200,000 Oregon veterans who would become eligible for the state's home loan benefit program for veterans if voters support Measure 70.
Frustrated by the rule, Bushman e-mailed Rep. Paul Holvey, D-Eugene, who took the issue into the 2009 legislative session and co-sponsored a resolution referring a measure to voters that would change the state Constitution.
"I thought that rule was arbitrary and unfair," Bushman said. "So, I complained to Holvey and he actually did something about it. Pretty amazing."
Read the full article here. Discuss below.
Posted on Sept. 19, 2010
connect with blueoregon
10:11 p.m.
Sep 19, '10
Way to go Holvey!