Where's My Election Night Party At?!
Of course, we're having a pretty awesome party at the Doug Fir. It's free and will feature nail-biting results watching as well as a line-up of fun events (donut eating contest! Mormon underwear fashion show!) hosted by Wm. Steven Humphrey, comedy from Ian Karmel, and analysis from the one-and-only Steve Novick. But if you're into hanging out with one special candidate or campaign, instead, here's where they'll be dishing out soundbites and maybe free cheese. These parties generally start at 7:30pm and run till 9pm. Oregon election results are first posted online at 8pm.
Charlie Hales: Holocene (SE 11th and Morrison) Jefferson Smith: Melody Ballroom (SE 6th and Alder) Amanda Fritz: Pear (338 NW 6th Ave) Mary Nolan: Hotel Lucia (400 SW Broadway) Big Democrats shindig including Basic Rights Oregon and numerous campaigns: Hilton downtown (SW 6th and Taylor) Big Republicans shindig: Embassy Suites at the Portland Airport (7900 NE 82nd Ave) [ Subscribe to the comments on this story ]
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Posted on Nov. 05, 2012
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