Candidates Gone Wild
You could not get me on that stage, I hasten to add. But of those who braved the bright lights and the forlorn attempt to keep pace with Storm, no one came across as well as Collymore. In the rare moment or two that the event turned serious, Collymore's answers to policy questions were the best reasoned and the best paced, and she also took a graceful turn in a "Dancing with the Constituent" bit.
The other showstoppers at the Aladdin were Metro President David Bragdon, channeling Alex Trebek in a "Jeopardy" bit with his three potential successors; Curious Comedy, which delivered a devastating skit on Portland police training (and a less successful number roasting Sarah Palin); and the team -- Corky, Pepper and Carl -- interviewing the gubernatorial candidates.
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Posted on April 27, 2010
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