Jefferson Smith Raising Money Above Hales' Limits
There has not been much campaign finance activity in the mayor's race since one candidate, former City Commissioner Charlie Hales, announced on June 21 that he'd limit contributions to $600 and would not take out-of-state checks.
His opponent in the November general election, State Rep. Jefferson Smith (D-Portland), often spoke during the primary about the need to limit contributions.
"Elections should not be auctions," Smith writes on his website.
"I have been and would continue to be more active than just about any current elected official in advocating for campaign finance reform."
Despite being the candidate who made limiting contributions an issue in the race—and who in the primary declined to take checks from out-of-state corporations or political action committees—Smith has not agreed to limit his contributions or stop taking out of state money from individuals.
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Posted on July 02, 2012
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