Leigh Anne Jasheway-Bryant

Leigh Anne Jasheway-Bryant is an award-winning humor writer, stand-up comic, motivational speaker, and host of the radio program "Women Under the Influence of Laughter," on Eugene's KOPT 600 AM (Oregon's Progressive Talk.) Her website is AccidentalComic.com and her blog, laughwithme.typepad.com. She believes laughter is important in progressive politics because it diffuses anger and tension and gives us the energy to work on the issues. Besides, its fun!

October 20, 2008Don't Hate Them Because They're Undecided
March 03, 2007The Lights are On, But No One's Home
February 20, 2007The Less The Merrier?
February 12, 2007Us Versus Us
February 05, 2007Living in a Fishbowl
January 27, 2007I Vant to be Rich
January 20, 2007Humor is the Answer, Now What Was The Question?
January 14, 2007Stupid is as Stupid Does
January 10, 2007Universal Health Care?
December 30, 2006After Christmas Sale
November 04, 2006Seeing Red: War-mongering, Deficit-ignoring, Torture-supporting, Bribery-accepting, Adulterous Pedophiles

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