Kari Chisholm

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BlueOregon is the brainchild of Kari Chisholm, who says he helped launch it because, "well, it seemed like something I wanted to read." Once a political campaign hack, Chisholm now runs Mandate Media, a consulting firm that does "internet strategy for people changing the world." His personal blog covers Politics & Technology. In 1999-2001, Chisholm was the volunteer board chair of X-PAC, a nonpartisan group that sought to build a new generation of political leaders and community activists in Oregon.

February 28, 2009HHS: It's Kathleen Sebelius
February 28, 20092010: Randy Leonard for Governor?
February 26, 2009Why the DC Voting Rights bill may turn out to be HUGE for Oregon
February 25, 2009How far we've come... a visual representation.
February 24, 2009Obama's first (sort of) State of the Union Address
February 23, 2009Secretary of Commerce: Gary Locke?
February 20, 2009Telling it like it is.
February 19, 2009Quick Hits: Budget Pain and Blogger Pain
February 17, 2009Elections matter. Democrats deliver on affordable housing.
February 16, 2009Paid family leave
February 13, 2009Stimulus passes House; DeFazio votes no.
February 12, 2009Will Gordon Smith run against Ron Wyden?
February 11, 2009Wyden pushes $3.2 billion payback of Wall Street bonuses
February 10, 2009Russ Feingold: The rest of the nation should follow Oregon's lead
February 09, 2009Quick Hits: Common Sense and Nonsense
February 08, 2009Brad & Angelina, Jen & Ben, Earl & Margaret...
February 06, 2009Wyden & HHS: "people are getting way ahead of themselves"
February 06, 2009If Wyden jumps to HHS, who runs for Senate?
February 05, 2009Blumenauer tweets the House Democrats' retreat...
February 04, 2009HHS: The buzz on Ron Wyden
February 04, 2009HHS: The buzz on John Kitzhaber
February 03, 2009Daschle out. Dean or Kitzhaber in? (Update: or Wyden?)
February 03, 2009The GOP's remodeling credit: Have they even done the math?
January 31, 2009Solar panels for everyone!
January 30, 2009That's "Chairman" Schrader to you, bub.
January 30, 2009Former Congressman Wes Cooley indicted for fraud
January 26, 2009Stimulus: what would it mean for Oregon?
January 22, 2009Merkley lands on Banking; Wyden on Judiciary
January 20, 200924 hours of reaction to Sam Adams
January 19, 2009Ready to party?
January 19, 2009Comment glitch is finally over...
January 15, 2009Greg Walden's on the Oversight Subcommittee. No, really!
January 14, 2009Quick Hits: A new Congress gets underway
January 12, 2009Oregon Legislature opens; Governor discusses state of the state
January 08, 2009The long, slow, and painful death of journalism (and a plea for more bloggers)
January 05, 20092010: Atkinson for Governor?
January 02, 2009New laws for 2009
December 30, 2008Breaking: Democrats nominate three to fill Kurt Schrader's Senate seat
December 30, 2008Ranking the top Oregon political stories of 2008
December 23, 2008A sixth congressional seat? Prospects improve...
December 22, 2008Greg Walden trying to muscle Gordon Smith aside in the Governor's race?
December 21, 2008Randall Edwards has some explaining to do.
December 20, 2008Finally, a winter storm worthy of the airtime.
December 19, 2008Lies, damn lies, and statistics from Oregon's DAs.
December 18, 2008Schrader resigns from State Senate; replacement process begins
December 17, 2008A year later, Wyden finally gets his report - and it's ugly.
December 17, 2008Vance Day: Woodburn bomber "very pro-American"
December 16, 2008Quick Hits: Darlene Hooley goes late, gets "rowdy"
December 15, 2008What politicos can learn from college football
December 10, 2008Which bridge design do you like?

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