Kari Chisholm

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BlueOregon is the brainchild of Kari Chisholm, who says he helped launch it because, "well, it seemed like something I wanted to read." Once a political campaign hack, Chisholm now runs Mandate Media, a consulting firm that does "internet strategy for people changing the world." His personal blog covers Politics & Technology. In 1999-2001, Chisholm was the volunteer board chair of X-PAC, a nonpartisan group that sought to build a new generation of political leaders and community activists in Oregon.

May 25, 2009Bob Tiernan: As dishonest and overheated as ever.
May 22, 2009Trying to prove waterboarding isn't torture, right-wing radio jock tries it, and...
May 19, 2009Blumenauer invites George Will to Portland; calls for Bowtie Summit
May 19, 2009George Will doesn't like Portland, but Australia does!
May 07, 2009Jeff Merkley slams Frank Luntz
May 05, 2009OR-4: Sid Leiken runs against Peter DeFazio.
May 03, 2009Jack Kemp: The last great conservative
May 01, 2009Hey! It's election time! A rundown on the Portland School Board races.
April 29, 2009Gavin Newsom and Sam Adams trash talk in the battle for electric-car supremacy
April 28, 20092010: Polling on Kitzhaber, DeFazio, Bradbury, Novick
April 28, 2009Wyden: open to prosecutions on torture policy
April 27, 2009Oregon politicos on Twitter
April 24, 2009Earl Blumenauer smacks down Michelle Bachmann (R-Crazyland)
April 24, 2009Ron Wyden calls Dick Cheney's bluff
April 22, 2009DeFazio muses on cap-and-trade & the 2010 gubernatorial race
April 21, 2009Jeff Alan: Not dead yet.
April 21, 2009Help create local jobs without spending a dime. Bank local.
April 20, 2009Oregon: almost pork-free; is that good or bad?
April 17, 2009Understand the financial meltdown in under two minutes
April 17, 2009Advance look at Oregon Republicans' TV spots?
April 16, 2009BlueOregon: Best State Politics Blog in the Nation
April 15, 2009Teabagger Protest = Litter
April 15, 2009Oregon Tax Dollars: Where do they come from and where do they go?
April 13, 2009Quick Hits: catching up and taking note
April 07, 2009Will Oregon Republicans denounce those who call for violent overthrow of the United States?
April 06, 2009Taking Beer Seriously. An Honest Pint Update.
April 06, 2009Ready to push the reset button?
April 01, 2009No, sobriety checkpoints don't save lives.
March 31, 2009Kim Thatcher: Oh noes! Dead peoples voting!
March 31, 2009Quick Hits: Merkley takes the floor
March 30, 20092010: Walden for Governor? Maybe. Walden for Senate? Not a chance.
March 27, 2009Looking ahead to 2010 in the 5th District
March 24, 2009Why the "Made in Oregon" sign controversy matters
March 24, 20092010: DeFazio and Walden ponder gubernatorial prospects
March 23, 2009How did Obama do in Oregon's five congressional districts?
March 19, 2009Wyden: Fix the economy by fixing health care
March 18, 2009March Madness: Barack's tourney picks and Oregon's policy choices
March 18, 2009Who killed the Wyden Plan to Ban Big Bailout Bonuses?
March 18, 2009Allen Alley: Blowing up on the launchpad
March 17, 2009Wyden-Snowe amendment would have killed AIG bonuses
March 17, 2009True Class: Steve Martin and the Eastern Oregon College Democrats
March 12, 2009All the soccer that's fit to print
March 11, 2009Quick Hits: Action and Inaction in Congress
March 09, 2009Mayor of Waldport quits the GOP; decries "worn-out ideology"
March 07, 20092010: Steve Novick for Governor?
March 06, 2009SG: Sanjay Gupta is out. John Kitzhaber for Surgeon General!
March 06, 2009What Gordon Smith would have done for Oregon schools and jobs... (Hint: Nothing!)
March 02, 2009No, Business Week, Portland is NOT the most unhappy city in America.
March 02, 20092010: Bill Bradbury for Governor?
March 01, 2009Governor Gordon Smith: A very real possibility.

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