Kari Chisholm

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BlueOregon is the brainchild of Kari Chisholm, who says he helped launch it because, "well, it seemed like something I wanted to read." Once a political campaign hack, Chisholm now runs Mandate Media, a consulting firm that does "internet strategy for people changing the world." His personal blog covers Politics & Technology. In 1999-2001, Chisholm was the volunteer board chair of X-PAC, a nonpartisan group that sought to build a new generation of political leaders and community activists in Oregon.

September 10, 2009Tony Marino pleads guilty to incest
September 10, 2009The speech? I think Obama nailed it.
September 09, 2009President Obama addresses the nation on health care reform
September 08, 2009Dennis Kucinich, Bernie Sanders, and Ron Wyden...
September 08, 2009A rational policy discussion with the teabaggers
September 05, 2009HD48: Jesse Cornett to challenge Rep. Mike Schaufler?
September 04, 20092010: DeFazio decision on Governor's race imminent?
September 03, 2009UO's LaGarrette Blount goes crazy post-game in Boise
September 03, 20092010: SurveyUSA numbers on Ron Wyden
September 03, 20092010: Jason Atkinson announces campaign for Governor (oops!)
September 01, 2009Concerned about signature collectors? Write this down: 877-560-6677
September 01, 2009Mapes: Kitzhaber to make announcement tomorrow
September 01, 2009Mapes: Kitzhaber "poised" to file in "next few hours"
August 31, 2009Heath Care: it's all about maximizing your choices
August 27, 2009OR-4: Pollsters call Sid Leiken's alleged poll "suspicious" and "impossible"
August 27, 2009Biden on Kennedy: "I don't think we shall ever see his like again."
August 27, 2009"I think my Health Insurance Company is trying to kill me," he said.
August 26, 2009Remembering Kennedy
August 25, 2009Senator Kennedy has gone, but the dream shall never die.
August 24, 2009Politico calls Sid Leiken's tearful apology a "Muskie moment"
August 22, 2009Sid Leiken tearfully admits to bogus transaction report
August 20, 2009The Casino Campaign is back.
August 19, 2009Super-close election for Seattle Mayor
August 18, 2009Quick Hits: Catching up
August 17, 2009SD-22: Chip Shields to seek Senate seat
August 16, 2009From Jack Roberts, tough words for John Kitzhaber
August 16, 2009Sen. Margaret Carter to resign; take Human Services post
August 15, 20092010: Desari Strader for Governor?
August 15, 2009Twittering Wyden's town hall in Seaside
August 12, 2009Rep. Larry Galizio resigns to join Oregon University System
August 10, 2009Good Morning America: On health care, Oregon can be a model for the nation.
August 07, 2009SEIU gets violent threat from "Diana in Oregon"
August 07, 2009More on that Madras town hall: "raucous" and "disrespectful"
August 06, 2009Bipartisan vote confirms Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court
August 06, 2009Oregon troops are sick because KBR mercenaries deliberately hid the truth.
August 05, 2009Oregon Republicans are OK with the mob. How about debating the issues instead?
August 05, 2009SD-7: Chris Edwards unanimous pick for State Senate
August 03, 2009Allen Alley's Walkabout
August 03, 20092010: Gubernatorial money numbers
August 02, 2009SD-7: Now it's the Lane County Commission's turn
August 01, 20092010: Brian Clem's listening tour heads to Southern Oregon
August 01, 20092010: Jason Atkinson for Governor?
July 31, 2009Hardball: Earl Blumenauer vs. Lars Larson
July 30, 2009On end-of-life care, Blumenauer takes on "unhinged" Republicans, Rush Limbaugh
July 29, 2009Snowpocalypse! Oh, wait...
July 29, 2009DNC tries to TwitterBomb Jeff Merkley. Misfires. Badly.
July 28, 2009RNC targets Schrader and DeFazio with ad attacking health reform
July 28, 2009Dear Birthers: Obama may as well have been born on the moon.
July 28, 2009See ya, Sarah!
July 27, 2009OR-4: As state investigation continues, doubts about Sid Leiken's candidacy percolate

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