Kari Chisholm

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BlueOregon is the brainchild of Kari Chisholm, who says he helped launch it because, "well, it seemed like something I wanted to read." Once a political campaign hack, Chisholm now runs Mandate Media, a consulting firm that does "internet strategy for people changing the world." His personal blog covers Politics & Technology. In 1999-2001, Chisholm was the volunteer board chair of X-PAC, a nonpartisan group that sought to build a new generation of political leaders and community activists in Oregon.

January 12, 2011President Obama in Tucson
January 11, 2011GOP Sen. Jason Atkinson condemns Palin gunsight map, calls for change in political tone
January 10, 2011Live video of Inauguration of Governor John Kitzhaber
January 10, 2011It's official: Roblan and Hanna are co-speakers. So far, no drama.
January 10, 2011Amidst the ceremony, will there be drama?
January 06, 2011In one fell swoop, Kitzhaber names ten top advisors, including chief of staff Curtis Robinhold
January 05, 2011No Inaugural Ball for Kitzhaber. Go Ducks!
January 05, 2011Schrader & DeFazio decline to cast pro forma vote for Pelosi for Speaker
January 03, 2011Filibuster reform will happen on the first day, which could take a few weeks
January 02, 2011Filibuster Forecast: "Fireworks" on January 5th
December 29, 2010Rule of 31? Or the rule of 1?
December 28, 2010Clark County mega-casino takes major step forward; all pain, no gain for Oregon
December 27, 2010Portland: "Where Gore won and the Bush Administration never happened."
December 21, 2010Reapportionment Day! (Update: Oregon stays at five seats. Washington gets a tenth.)
December 20, 2010Wyden surgeon says "everything went perfect"
December 20, 2010Cards, flowers, offers to object...
December 11, 2010Waiting on reapportionment. Will Oregon get a sixth?
December 09, 2010Having given the GOP their "holy grail", Obama loses Oregon's four Democratic congressmen
December 07, 2010Goodbye, Elizabeth Edwards
December 05, 2010It's official: Ducks playing for national title!
December 03, 2010Recounts requested by Blumenauer & DeFazio opponents - really!
December 02, 2010Power-sharing proposal features Barker and Hanna as co-speakers (updated)
December 01, 2010More on the prospects for bipartisan power-sharing
December 01, 2010BREAKING: Power-sharing proposal begins to emerge from bipartisan group of legislators
December 01, 2010Poll shows strong support for tobacco tax
November 30, 2010Fixing the filibuster
November 22, 2010Wow. Lake Oswego went for Kitzhaber.
November 22, 2010Wyden squashes internet censorship bill
November 22, 2010Dudley vs. Kitzhaber: In Washington County, nerds rule.
November 18, 2010Wyden partners with Scott Brown (R-MA) to boost state flexibility on health reform
November 16, 2010What's Brian Baird up to?
November 15, 2010Punditology 2010: Drum roll, please...
November 15, 2010Quick Hits: Getting back in gear
November 11, 2010After contentious caucus meeting, Hunt is in; Nolan is out - but what's next?
November 08, 2010Population-adjusted maps in the Wyden/Huffman race
November 06, 2010Population-adjusted maps in the Kitzhaber/Dudley race
November 05, 2010Metro President: The count continues
November 05, 2010Merkley: "No interest" in heading up DSCC
November 04, 2010John Kitzhaber's Victory Speech
November 03, 2010It's official: John Kitzhaber is Oregon's next Governor
November 03, 2010The Day After: tracking the results
November 03, 2010OR-GOV: Dudley leads for now, but don't panic
November 03, 2010Will lightning strike twice? 15/15 tie in Senate, 30/30 tie in House?!
November 03, 2010Peter DeFazio emerges from the rubble and vows to rebuild the U.S. government
November 03, 2010Local candidate roundup
November 03, 2010Measures: Annual sessions, prisons, and parks (but not casinos or marijuana)
November 03, 2010In state treasurer's race, it's Ted Wheeler -- by a huge margin.
November 03, 2010Defying national trend, big wins from Wyden, Schrader, DeFazio, and Wu.
November 02, 2010Election Night Results
November 02, 2010Why John Kitzhaber is Going to Win

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