Kari Chisholm

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BlueOregon is the brainchild of Kari Chisholm, who says he helped launch it because, "well, it seemed like something I wanted to read." Once a political campaign hack, Chisholm now runs Mandate Media, a consulting firm that does "internet strategy for people changing the world." His personal blog covers Politics & Technology. In 1999-2001, Chisholm was the volunteer board chair of X-PAC, a nonpartisan group that sought to build a new generation of political leaders and community activists in Oregon.

April 28, 2011Blumenauer: Egg-laying chickens initiative headed to 2012 ballot
April 21, 2011Today's no-brainer Yes vote, and the eight who voted No.
April 13, 2011With his big health care policy victory killed in the night, Wyden likely to vote against the budget deal
April 12, 2011DeFazio says he'll "make the president act like a Democrat"
April 12, 2011Jim Huffman wants campaign finance secrecy
April 10, 2011Portland City Council: Ben Cannon? Shelli Romero?
April 08, 2011The legislative rickroll: the back story
April 08, 2011Finally! Oregon Senate votes to ban toxic Bisphenol-A from baby bottles and sippy-cups
April 04, 2011And so, it begins.
March 31, 2011Clatsop County Commissioner Dirk Rohne gets fed up with GOP, becomes a Democrat
March 30, 2011Early rumblings in the Portland Mayor's race
March 29, 2011How bad is it in Columbia County? "We'll just let them rob the house, then."
March 28, 2011Still skeptical after the Wu interview
March 28, 2011Code of the West? Or the Code of Kindergarten?
March 25, 2011Goodbye, Heidi Tauber
March 21, 2011The latest on David Wu
March 18, 2011Watch the video: Azusa Suzuki testifies, "I'm still alive!"
March 15, 2011Using Facebook in jury selection
March 08, 2011Poll reveals trouble for David Wu, plus a look ahead to 2012
March 08, 2011David Wu, in real-time
March 01, 2011The drip-drip-drip of revelations continues, as the whole story still eludes David Wu
February 26, 2011David Wu plans 2012 re-election campaign
February 25, 2011Did Wu take oxycodone or ibuprofen?
February 23, 2011The Oregonian on Wu: Revisionist history? Or hiding what they really knew last fall?
February 23, 2011Reactions to the David Wu saga
February 23, 2011David Wu admits taking someone else's prescription painkillers
February 22, 2011David Wu on Good Morning America
February 21, 2011Lynn Peterson joins Governor's staff; Clackamas County faces shake-up
February 19, 2011David Wu's bizarre behavior
February 18, 2011President Obama at Intel
February 13, 2011Metro: Bob Stacey withdraws appointment application; pledges to run in 2012
February 12, 2011Obama to visit Oregon on Friday
February 11, 2011If appointed to Metro, Gov. Roberts won't run in 2012
February 10, 2011Gov. Barbara Roberts throws her hat in the ring for Metro Council
February 08, 2011Across America, damaging storms destroy property. Who gets the blame? (Guess again.)
February 08, 2011Oregon gets a new federal judge
February 03, 2011Before Congress, John Kroger defends constitutionality of health reform law (video)
February 01, 2011Kitzhaber announces budget plan
February 01, 2011Governor's Budget: Some 50-state context
January 31, 2011"How to Die in Oregon" awarded top documentary at Sundance
January 27, 2011Breaking: At long last, Wyden wins fight to end secret holds in the U.S. Senate
January 27, 2011Filibuster reform votes expected today
January 26, 2011Kurt Schrader blows the whistle
January 25, 2011Open thread: State of the Union
January 25, 2011Quick Hits: Kardon departs Wyden team, Kroger calls foul, Oregon's Skutnick, and more
January 25, 2011Filibuster reform day is here. Fireworks still in the forecast?
January 20, 2011Amidst swirling controversy, David Wu attends state dinner at White House
January 20, 2011In May 2012, all eyes on Portland city hall
January 17, 2011Quick Hits: Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics
January 13, 2011Bang bang - and a would-be hero turns into a victim, or worse.

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