Chuck Sheketoff

Chuck Sheketoff is the Executive Director and a founder of the Oregon Center for Public Policy, a non-profit, non-partisan research institute that uses research and analysis to advance policies and practices that improve the economic and social opportunities of low- and moderate-income Oregonians, the majority of Oregonians. Prior to starting the OCPP in 1997, Chuck lobbied the Oregon Legislature on behalf of the low-income clients of legal aid programs (1993, 1995) and the Oregon Law Center (1997). Chuck participates in BlueOregon to inform debates among Oregon progressives with an eye toward getting Oregon back on track.

February 22, 2008A minimum wage $224 per hour, average wage of $722 an hour - The One Percent
February 13, 2008The Smartest Move Our Legislators Can Make
February 11, 2008Will the legislature let the corporate-tax-break-dog bite?
February 09, 2008President Bush Says Reading is <em>Not</em> Fundamental
February 03, 2008The legislative and racial patterns of subprime loans
February 01, 2008Domestic Partnership Forms Available Today
January 31, 2008In Oregon, we can't raise taxes so we raise gamblers....with help from the new Joe Camel
January 28, 2008Need free or low cost health insurance? <BR>Gamble with the Oregon Health Plan lottery
January 27, 2008Oregonians left exposed & Who gets stimulated?
January 07, 2008The Oregon Heath Plan Window of Opportunity
December 29, 2007Address Oregon's Real Problems: It is <em>not</em> time for a sales tax
December 22, 2007Oregon PERS: Best Fiscal Condition in Nation
December 20, 2007A New Year’s Resolution for Oregon: A Mobile, Living Billboard
November 23, How is Oregon's Delegation Scoring?
November 21, 2007The 2007 Kicker Checks: Vote for the Best Message
November 17, 2007Twenty Oregon households will get over $300,000 and average $786,550
November 05, 2007The 2007 Kicker: What's the Message?
October 31, 2007Snapshots of Growing Income Inequality in Oregon
October 30, 2007Warren Buffett Thinks He's Not Paying Enough in Taxes
October 28, 2007The 2007 Kicker: Wrongheaded, Unjust, Costly, and a Federal Tax Increase
October 17, 2007Kulongoski Pushes for Veto Override to Protect Kids' Health
October 16, 2007Will Greg Walden Support Kids or Party Politics?
September 23, 2007Government: It <em><u>is</em></u> the economy, stupid.
September 19, 2007Oregon's Minimum Wage Climbs to $7.95; Oregon Will Drop to 4th Place
September 03, 2007An Economy for the Few This Labor Day
July 12, 2007Health Care Reform NOT
July 04, 2007Why is it okay for the Legislature and beer drinking environmentalists to raise the cost of beer?
June 24, 2007A Ladder to the Moon or a Ladder of Opportunity?
June 01, 2007Oregonians Are Hostage to the Fractions Faction
May 18, 2007You don't need an ESI laser or higher ed degree....
May 15, 2007The Dirty Little Secret in the Revenue Forecast
May 08, 2007It Doesn't Take a College Degree
February 27, 2007Who says an economist can't be funny?
February 15, 2007The Next Step in Corporate Tax Reform
October 31, 2006Education "65% Solution" Spending Plan is 100 Percent Phony
October 30, 2006Nov. 7th could be the start of a great day for Oregon
September 23, 2006Donut Hole Explained
September 05, 2006Voters’ Guide is Out and Business Community Opposes Measure 48 as Election Nears
September 04, 2006Who's Getting Ahead This Labor Day?
August 27, 2006Measure 41 is Fool's Gold
July 21, 2006Biotech, Beer, and the Public's Right to Know
July 05, 2006Don McIntire: Deja Vu All Over Again
June 30, 2006The Prom: The Health Care Problem/Solution Explained, Simply
June 23, 2006Darlene Hooley vs. Brian Baird
June 05, 2006Who does Gordon Smith represent?
June 02, 2006Lithia Motors Challenges Corporate Oregon
May 20, 2006The Unlovely Extremes of Wealth and Nonwealth in Contemporary America
May 09, 2006Jared Bernstein meets Milton Friedman with the body of Scarlett Johansson
May 02, 200650 Simple Things You Can Do to Fight the Right
April 29, 2006TABOR and Direct Democracy: An Essay on the End of the Republic

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