Carla Axtman

Carla Axtman is a political animal and blogger. She started blogging in 2004 as a response to the malaise and frustration of progressive politics & politics on both the national & local levels. Carla specializes in online organizing and communications. Another politico recently referred to her thusly: "...a cross between a pitbull, a barracuda and a scorpion. ... She's ferocious."

May 06, 2010Are Oregonians ready to reform the kicker?
May 03, 2010Caption This
May 02, 2010Live from the Stone Age: The Oregon Senate Democrats
April 30, 2010Questions on urban reserves: answered.
April 28, 2010In which I laud Kurt Schrader
April 28, 2010Merkley and Wyden: Slaying the dragons of Wall Street. Or at least trying to.
April 23, 2010Jean Edwards: A study in urban reserve farming
April 19, 2010More Washington County land-use antics
April 17, 2010Part 2: No Oregonians on Columbia River Task Force
April 14, 2010No Oregonians on Columbia River Crossing Task Force
April 05, 2010HD-54: The company he keeps
April 04, 2010Don't mess with John Day
April 01, 2010Teabaggers: don't bring guns and fire to a public event, please.
March 30, 2010OR-Gov: Enviro debate in pictures
March 29, 2010Tuesday night liveblogging: Gubernatorial debate on the environment
March 28, 2010The sky isn't falling! The sky isn't falling!
March 26, 2010Out-of-touch the Allen Alley way
March 26, 2010Oregon Business: The phantom exodus
March 25, 2010On the Metro President race, for me it's Bob Stacey.
March 20, 2010Push Schrader off the fence (again)
March 19, 2010The long, hot summer in the Klamath Basin
March 18, 2010Griffin: All I am saying, is give Huff a chance....
March 17, 2010CRC: So ODOT, how about keeping that promise you made?
March 16, 2010Teabaggery: the fringe and the dangerous
March 14, 2010Leading the fight to protect farmland in Washington County
March 11, 2010OLCV endorses Cogen, Collymore
March 10, 2010GOP State Rep. Jim Weidner violating House ethics rules?
March 10, 2010Updated: Margaret Carter backing out of Multnomah Co Chair race
March 10, 2010Desperate much?
March 09, 2010Steve Novick not running for MultCo Chair; throws support to Jeff Cogen
March 09, 2010With mixed emotions, Wheeler takes over as State Treasurer
March 08, 2010The task of finding Oregon a new State Treasurer
March 02, 2010"...they give us incentive to appreciate living in Oregon..."
March 02, 2010House District 24: Run Susan Run!
March 01, 2010Oregon's Cougar Problem
February 26, 2010OR-Sen: Huffman takes the plunge
February 24, 2010The O shaves off 37 more staffers
February 22, 2010Urban and rural reserves battle may have barely begun.
February 19, 2010Idaho white supremacist group considers relocating to John Day
February 18, 2010Good on Speaker Hunt
February 17, 2010OR-Sen: Rasmussen Poll: Wyden 49% Huffman 35%
February 14, 2010Happy Birthday, Oregon
February 12, 2010Quick Hits: Stranger in a Strange Land Edition
February 10, 2010Klamath Fails
February 10, 2010Wyden to draw GOP opponent? A peek at Jim Huffman
February 10, 2010Never bring a knife to a gun fight
February 08, 2010Quick Hits: "E" edition
February 04, 2010The shameful campaign by Steve Doell and Kevin Mannix to scare taxpayers and squander our money
February 03, 2010Bend Bulletin bucks dissenting voice
February 01, 2010Howard Dean to headline fundraisers for Bradbury

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