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Published Author Title
Jun. 28, 2005 Kari Chisholm CEO Pay at Legacy Emanuel
Jun. 27, 2005 blueoregon admin Vote for Best of Portland
Jun. 27, 2005 Supreme Decisions
Jun. 26, 2005 Ban Sports Action?
Jun. 26, 2005 Pat Ryan That Old Time Religion just ain't good enough for me
Jun. 26, 2005 DPO chairman in the L.A. Times
Jun. 25, 2005 Prevailing Wages?
Jun. 24, 2005 Considering Iraq
Jun. 23, 2005 Alternative School Funding Plans
Jun. 23, 2005 Failed Minnis Plan was a Patchwork of Shady Deal Making
Jun. 23, 2005 Jeff Alworth Supremes: City Land Seizure Constitutional
Jun. 23, 2005 Not another Sprawlmart, please!
Jun. 22, 2005 Mayor Potter Reforms City Hall
Jun. 22, 2005 Sixty cents a pack for health care
Jun. 22, 2005 Minnis' "School Funding" Plan Fails to Come to a Vote
Jun. 22, 2005 Jeff Bull HB 3460 - A Teaching Moment
Jun. 22, 2005 Kari Chisholm Bring on the Clouds! (Wi-Fi, that is.)
Jun. 21, 2005 Kari Chisholm Who's your daddy, Dave?
Jun. 21, 2005 Don't buy a meth house
Jun. 21, 2005 Stop the Minnis School Plan
Jun. 20, 2005 Keep Sisters Special
Jun. 20, 2005 Is the Oregonian a bit jumpy?
Jun. 20, 2005 Pride Day 2005
Jun. 20, 2005 Is the legislature irrelevant?
Jun. 19, 2005 Jon Perr The British Are Coming!
Jun. 19, 2005 The Minnis Plan for Schools: Not Good Enough
Jun. 19, 2005 Russell Sadler The mileage tax: coming soon?
Jun. 18, 2005 Jesse Cornett Tough Summer Job
Jun. 18, 2005 Gubernatorial Straw Poll
Jun. 18, 2005 A plea to the crown, er, administration.
Jun. 17, 2005 Utilities scam Oregon ratepayers for $1 billion in phony "income taxes"
Jun. 16, 2005 Chuck Sheketoff Intel Proves Taxes Don't Matter
Jun. 16, 2005 Sam Adams Starts Blogging
Jun. 16, 2005 Blumenauer for Governor?
Jun. 16, 2005 Kari Chisholm Who's the sucker who wants this job?
Jun. 16, 2005 T.A. Barnhart Politics is that simple
Jun. 15, 2005 Was Measure 37 a failure?
Jun. 15, 2005 GOP again overturning the will of the voters
Jun. 14, 2005 Anne Martens A Multi-Faceted Technicolor Dream
Jun. 14, 2005 Chris Bouneff Parity, Not Parody
Jun. 14, 2005 Bring back the tobacco tax
Jun. 14, 2005 In defense of the PDC
Jun. 13, 2005 Jeff Alworth Michael Jackson Verdict
Jun. 13, 2005 A Progressive Vision for Oregon
Jun. 12, 2005 Give 'em hell, Howard
Jun. 12, 2005 Inside Iraq
Jun. 12, 2005 Russell Sadler Here's to Judge Bridges
Jun. 12, 2005 Brian Wagner Knocking on the OSAA's Door
Jun. 11, 2005 Brian Wagner How necessary is campaign finance reform?
Jun. 11, 2005 Salmon Advocates Win One in Court

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