May. 20, 2014
Kari Chisholm
Rachel Maddow: There is not a state GOP anywhere "that is more bizarre" than Oregon's.
May. 19, 2014
Carla Axtman
BREAKING: Marriage Ban struck down
May. 19, 2014
Elleanor Chin
The Middle Class – How Do We Get There from Here?
May. 17, 2014
Charlie Burr
Caleb or Saltzman? Saltzman!
May. 16, 2014
Carla Axtman
This part of the Wehby story doesn't add up
May. 16, 2014
Carla Axtman
Monica Wehby: Creepy Stalker
May. 16, 2014
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Caleb or Saltzman?
May. 13, 2014
Evan Manvel
Portland Traffic Safety is a Serious Problem
May. 13, 2014
Kari Chisholm
Clackamas County Clerk uses "Democrat Party" epithet on official primary ballot
May. 8, 2014
T.A. Barnhart
HD-34: A primary with a serious choice
May. 7, 2014
Evan Manvel
What Conger and Wehby Need to Learn About Climate Change
May. 7, 2014
Kari Chisholm
Maddow: "You wish you were that much of a badass"
May. 6, 2014
Kari Chisholm
Deborah Kafoury is pro-choice. Ignore the lies.
May. 5, 2014
Kari Chisholm
Kitzhaber leaps into action, saves a woman's life
May. 5, 2014
Nova Newcomer
Deborah Kafoury for Chair: She Gets It
May. 2, 2014
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Yes, It’s #BiggerThanBundy—Efforts to Seize Your Public Lands Have Only Just Begun
May. 2, 2014
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Kathleen Taylor: Why I'm Running
May. 1, 2014
T.A. Barnhart
Wilson: How to impress voters and #WinTheDay
Apr. 30, 2014
Chuck Sheketoff
Illustrating Oregon's Defining Challenge
Apr. 29, 2014
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Deborah Barnes: Why I'm Running
Apr. 28, 2014
Steve Novick
Let's Graze Cattle on Sean Hannity's Lawn
Apr. 28, 2014
Evan Manvel
Anti-Corporate Water Takeover Ad Nails It
Apr. 24, 2014
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Kitzhaber: “It is time once and for all to say NO to coal exports from the Pacific Northwest."
Apr. 24, 2014
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Penny Wise and Pound Foolish on Health Care Reform
Apr. 22, 2014
Carla Axtman
OR-SEN: the Monica Wehby follies
Apr. 21, 2014
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Oregon Can Shake Things Up (or Why I'm Running)
Apr. 19, 2014
Nels Johnson
Immigration Reform - Obama's Great Civil Rights Challenge
Apr. 17, 2014
Kari Chisholm
A big step for Google Fiber in Portland
Apr. 16, 2014
Kyle Curtis
Oregonians United For Equality
Apr. 12, 2014
Rick North
Syngenta and Monsanto: Double Trouble for Jackson County
Apr. 11, 2014
T.A. Barnhart
Apr. 10, 2014
Carla Axtman
You pay taxes. Corporations should pay them too.
Apr. 9, 2014
Evan Manvel
Robert Reich on $15 Why?
Apr. 9, 2014
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Why Is Monsanto a So Worried About the Jackson County Vote on Genetically Engineered Crops?
Apr. 8, 2014
Kari Chisholm
Epic moment: Six year old asks a question that leaves Hillary Clinton speechless
Apr. 8, 2014
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How Portland can reduce the wage gap between women and men
Apr. 7, 2014
Chuck Sheketoff
Return-free Filing Is Taxes Done Right
Apr. 7, 2014
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$15 How
Mar. 31, 2014
T.A. Barnhart
Real life and politics
Mar. 31, 2014
Kyle Curtis
Climate change and the environment in Oregon's 2014 election
Mar. 29, 2014
Evan Manvel
$15 When?
Mar. 26, 2014
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Debunking Myths: Oregonians ARE Worried about Climate Change
Mar. 25, 2014
Rick North
Creeping Corporatism - March Madness Edition
Mar. 24, 2014
Kari Chisholm
Wyden on CIA, NSA, FISA, electronic surveillance
Mar. 19, 2014
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The one little thing you have to do right now to improve health care in Oregon.
Mar. 19, 2014
Kari Chisholm
XRAY FM is here! And Carl Wolfson and Thom Hartmann are back on the air!
Mar. 16, 2014
Kari Chisholm
Could we design our way out of the car/bike wars?
Mar. 14, 2014
Evan Manvel
CRC Funds Move to Maintenance, Create Local Jobs
Mar. 12, 2014
Kari Chisholm
174 words that expose the very contradiction at the heart of the Republican Party
Mar. 12, 2014
Evan Manvel
The Cynical Industrial Water Takeover