Watch Rep. Jules Bailey dismiss Rep. Tim Freeman's "I'm a corporation and I'm a person" argument

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

This speech by Rep. Jules Bailey (D-Portland) may only be 90 seconds long, but it's epic.

The occasion was the debate before the Oregon House over HJM 6, calling on Congress to reverse the disastrous Citizens United ruling.

While he's making the case that, well, corporations aren't people, Rep. Tim Freeman (R-Roseburg) rose to interrupt him -- to tell Bailey that, weirdly, he's a corporation himself and that Bailey should "be careful."

Bailey didn't take the bait, but managed to keep on talking while batting Freeman away like a buzzing mosquito. Check it out.

Oh, and HJM 6 passed on a 48-11 vote. It's now moving through the Senate.


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