Yes, we did!
Kari Chisholm
It was a huge night for Oregon Democrats. Huge.
The president won, here and across the country. There will be much analysis of this in the coming days, weeks, months, and even years. But I do think that Howard Fineman's big-picture view is spot on:
President Barack Obama did not just win reelection tonight. His victory signaled the irreversible triumph of a new, 21st-century America: multiracial, multi-ethnic, global in outlook and moving beyond centuries of racial, sexual, marital and religious tradition. ...
The Republican Party, by contrast, has been reduced to a rump parliament of Caucasian traditionalism: white, married, church-going -- to oversimplify only slightly. "It's a catastrophe," said GOP strategist Steve Schmidt. "This is, this will have to be, the last time that the Republican Party tries to win this way."
Here at home, we saw big wins by Brad Avakian and Kate Brown - in races that were supposed to be close.
When most prognosticators - and our very own punditologists - thought the Democrats would win 31, maybe 32, seats in the Oregon House, we won 34. That included defeating four rising star Republicans - Katie Eyre, Shawn Lindsay, Matt Wand, and Patrick Sheehan - that would have served as the future of their party. And we held on to the 16-seat majority in the Senate, but with bigger margins than were typical.
Oregonians turned away an estate tax repeal and ended the corporate kicker, while Portlanders voted to fund school construction, arts and music in schools, and libraries.
Of course, it wasn't a 100% win - things look awry in Clackamas County - where John Ludlow and Tootie Smith are leading in the County Commission races.
And of course, some races without a partisan split - like the big wins by Charlie Hales and Amanda Fritz - will make an important difference in the years to come.
Folks here at BlueOregon will have much more reflection and analysis in the days ahead. But tonight, it looks like a pretty good night.
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7:08 a.m.
Nov 7, '12
Is Carl Hosticka really ahead now in HD 37? I thought we lost that one last night.
11:08 a.m.
Nov 7, '12
I've known Carl since he first ran for the House in Eugene- he is one sharp cookie and will be a great great policy wonk in the legislature with a really great background of knowledge.
11:58 a.m.
Nov 7, '12
Sadly it looks like Parrish has got that seat.
Final margin is 34-26.
8:36 a.m.
Nov 7, '12
How sweet it is !
8:37 a.m.
Nov 7, '12
How will our Multnomah County commissioners respond now that Clackamas County leaders are tipped so far to the nutsy side of right? E.g., can we please toll the Sellwood bridge?
8:50 a.m.
Nov 7, '12
So, can we finally tackle comprehensive tax reform and school funding now? We don't have 36 in the House, but surely we can do better than we are right now.
11:13 a.m.
Nov 7, '12
I know a lot if my friends may disagree but don't hex the whole thing with the ST words- look at Jerry Brown in California for a good model- I'm afraid there is a perceived need to cozy up to business on this.
10:13 a.m.
Nov 7, '12
things look awry in Clackamas County
Understatement, Kari.
11:11 a.m.
Nov 7, '12
Hey here's some progressive victories from out in the deep-red desert: Green candidates sweep City of Antelope municipal election with open;y-gay Native American Mayor and two women city councilors. More later.
11:46 a.m.
Nov 7, '12
Overall a great result in Oregon and in the nation. So pleased to see Kate Brown and Brad Avakian re-elected. And delighted to see persons like Elizabeth Warren ascend to national stature. The state of NH now has a woman governor, two women senators (one an R) and two women Congressional Reps.
The Senate is now 55 Dems strong, more Dems in the House, and Barack Obama is our President. Soc. Sec., Medicare, and Medicaid are safe. The EPA is safe. We will not go to war with Iran or Korea. My sister-in-law will not have to die from cancer as a medical pre-condition, and women will have more access to their own health care decisions. Latino people have stronger voice in taking their place at the table where all should be welcome. Marriage equality and gay rights is now assured of continued progress. And as a nation we took a step towards a more humane and inclusive civilization. And the hateful, divisive, and cruel politics and policies of the GOP and tea party has been discredited. Today is a good day.
11:58 a.m.
Nov 7, '12
Still can't believe Washington County went for Obama by 18%.
12:54 p.m.
Nov 7, '12
Believe it! OFA had a crack team working out of the WashCo Dems Hillsboro office and they brought it home in a big way!
12:23 p.m.
Nov 7, '12
Pretty amazing run for the Democrats in the U.S. Senate. That's the biggest national message I took from the election.
For the Presidency, every time I hear the "5 out of 6" line, I remember how very,very close these elections have been.
On Clackamas, my own view is that Portland high handedness laid the groundwork for a counter reaction. Perhaps engaging with our neighbors rather than rolling over them? We are tied at the hip to Clackamas and Washington Counties, and it doesn't do any good to pretend that we can bully them.
Just one example: when you are going to make a very controversial and expensive decision about the water supply, have the courtesy to alert our largest customers.
12:40 p.m.
Nov 7, '12
CNN just confirmed Heidi Heitkamp victory in ND, giving 53 plus 2 majority. Reid will get rid of the filibuster so maybe they can pass something. McConnell is vowing more obstruction.
3:09 p.m.
Nov 7, '12
Doesn't look like he will get rid of it.
"I do" have plans to change the Senate rules, he added. "I have said so publicly and I continue to feel that way ... I think the rules have been abused, and we are going to work to change them. We will not do away with the filibuster, but we will make the senate a more meaningful place. We are going to make it so we can get things done."
1:29 p.m.
Nov 7, '12
I don't think Clackamas County uses much Bull run water.
How has Portland/Multnomah County bullied Clackamas County? I have lived here 23 years and have missed it.
1:37 p.m.
Nov 7, '12
Pretty great night. Saddened that we did not pass M80. Also, Clackamas - am wondering if they'll do the vote over. Why is that whenever vote tampering/suppression issues raise their heads these days it's Republicans at the helm?
I'm curious what elections would have looked like if they'd been "fair". I wonder if we could have taken back Congress, completely. I know that many votes were tossed. Greg Palast on KBOO this AM was very good.
3:07 p.m.
Nov 7, '12
I posted this on the clackamas thread, but thought it was worth reposting here: It looks like about 174,000 people voted for Obama or Romney in Clackamas couunty. Yet it looks like only 140,000 people cast votes in the county commissioner races. Obama won the county by 3 points. Is it safe to say Charlotte and Jamie lost because some Obama supporters didn't fill out their down ballot?
5:23 p.m.
Nov 7, '12
It is SO nauseating to hear Socialist anti Americans brag about the ruination of what was once a great country :(
9:41 p.m.
Nov 7, '12
Did you take a wrong turn at RedState Blog?
Note to Blue readers: wrong turn Clayton is the chair of the Umatilla County Republican Party. No doubt Clayton blames us "socialists" here in scary Portland for the dismantling of democracy as he knows it. You know, WE ARE the terrible folks who care about 100% of our communities, who want to see our kids educated, our adults employed, our elderly comfortable and everyone served by a health care system that puts health first.
There will always be a troll, and today's is Clayton. We can give him a pass for today, I suppose, because in his little myopic world, the invasion of the "other" presents terrifying phenomena - gays, non-whites, and worst of all, those people that CARE about their communities and vote accordingly, even at a slight cost to their own wallets. This election, no doubt, has shocked the bejeezus out of him.
Damn socialists.
But really Clayton, you shouldn't fret. You see, when we "socialists" want to invest in our communities, we want better schools for YOUR kids, too. We want jobs for YOUR family members, too. We want the cops, sheriffs and firefighters that protect and serve YOUR community, too.
Oh, yes, we Democrats who have invested time, energy and dollars into this election have earned bragging rights for a job well done. But we are motivated and inspired by a future that is brighter for all Americans.
10:12 p.m.
Nov 7, '12
Thanks Carla for responding. I had turned the page. Have work to do to move FORWARD.