Let's save KPOJ
Kari Chisholm

On Friday, we learned that KPOJ's corporate parent, Clear Channel, had decided to flip the format from progressive talk to all-sports.
As someone who appeared nearly every Tuesday morning on KPOJ for seven years - and was their longest-running weekly guest - I'm well aware of the power and reach of KPOJ. It really was a critical gathering spot for our progressive community.
I've been besieged by calls and emails over the weekend, with regular listeners wondering why the local morning show is gone - and upset about the loss of Ed Schultz, Randi Rhodes, and so many others from the local airwaves.
So, I decided to do something about it.
Please join me in signing a petition to Clear Channel at SaveKPOJ.com.
You can become a Facebook fan too.
I believe that we can reverse this decision. It won't be easy, and it won't be fast. But by demonstrating that KPOJ's progressive audience is dedicated and large, we can get Clear Channel to reverse course. And if they won't budge, then we'll demonstrate to another company, another station that there's an audience here for progressive talk.
(And yes, I'm well aware of KBOO. Great stuff, there. And we should support it. But I think we need more voices, not less.)
So, sign the petition and join the Facebook page. And tell your friends. Let's start a ruckus. We can do this.
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11:58 a.m.
Nov 12, '12
I'm for it--but while we're at it, what has happened to Amy Goodman's War and Peace Report that was on TV ch 29 (I think) for five nights a week???
3:30 p.m.
Nov 12, '12
Thank you, Kari. It was a Bain capital firm, Cumulus, that took out KGO, KKOH, and KBOI. I learned more from Ray Talliaferro over the thirty plus years that he was on KGO than any other single source. He told the world about the project for a new american century; this horrible plan is directing foreign policy to this day.
An informed electorate is essential for a free society.
1:44 a.m.
Nov 13, '12
God, almighty … I remember DXing KGO just to listen to Ray Taliaferro. What a voice and a mind that man has.
3:53 p.m.
Nov 12, '12
You can also drop a comment directly to the new station here http://www.620kpoj.com/cc-common/communities/contact.html
6:32 p.m.
Nov 12, '12
How exactly are you going to show that KPOJ's progressive audience is dedicated and large compared to that of what a sports talk radio station? You would have to convince them that progressive talk radio is going to pull in more listeners than sports talk radio? Is that even possible? Clear Channel is there to maximize profits for their stockholders you know.
9:40 p.m.
Nov 12, '12
Uh, huh, sure.
7:26 p.m.
Nov 12, '12
If so many are upset, why werent they listening and supporting sponsors? The only petition that matters is Arbitron ratings. Too late.
10:38 p.m.
Nov 12, '12
Well, keep in mind that the Arbitron ratings are very problematic. Lots of folks in radio hate 'em, because they fail on lots of levels.
The biggest one, that's most relevant here, is that it doesn't account for streaming traffic.
I can tell you anecdotally, just from my experience (and from my inbox, right now) that lots and lots of KPOJ listeners were out of Portland. Lots of Eugene/Springfield listeners that came over when they lost their lefty station. And lots of folks around the country who don't have progressive talk in their area.
9:25 a.m.
Nov 18, '12
I'm wondering if Clear Channel can divorce "public service requirements" from their programming of a Liberal, Labor, Fair Tax and Infrastructure favoring viewpoint for so long and so successful to pursue a questionable format of JUST ANOTHER pudgy or puny, mostly white guy wannabes, loudly blathering about Millionaire Jocks. Could it be POLITICS that drove the change? Wouldn't that be a violation of Clear Channels Charter for use of OUR AIRWAVES?
1:47 a.m.
Nov 13, '12
At least someone's doing something. Corporate profits are nice but what good are they if the society you have to spend them in is in a shambles?
I have the feeling that this could be the start of something big ... even bigger than KPOJ was.
12:18 a.m.
Nov 14, '12
Mult Dems are officially in. The Party statement:
"Multnomah County Democrats are shocked and dismayed at the disappearance of progressive radio, KPOJ AM 620 from the Portland market. For more than 8 years, KPOJ has provided the lone 24/7 progressive political voice in a market composed primarily of Democratic and progressive constituents. The loss of the progressive format creates a void that no other existing Portland radio programming fills. Additionally, KPOJ provided direct community service via frequent PSAs, ads and guest spots that provided valuable, usable information to the progressive listener. We strongly support the return of progressive radio format to Portland.