John Ludlow: Bully?
Carla Axtman
Oh karma, she is a wicked thing indeed.
Apparently, being a Tea Party Bully is coming back to bite Clackamas County Chair candidate John Ludlow. Check out the KOIN news clip above.
Charlotte Lehan has the policy chops and the smarts to do this job--and do it well. Clackamas County is ground zero in the Tea Party's effort to gain a toe hold in Oregon. It's time to push them back into their spidey holes.
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12:07 p.m.
Oct 18, '12
Having seen him testify several times before CCBC, I agree with the assessment of Ludlow.
12:29 p.m.
Oct 18, '12
I've been reading the reportage on the Clackamas Coup but had never actually seen Ludlow until this report. I was genuinely surprised at how completely he convinced me that the description couldn't be more accurate without the addition of several unflattering adjectives.
1:00 p.m.
Oct 18, '12
Must have been a slow news day when they interview some old kook running around with his home made signs. I hope he wasn't the same jerk who has been painting over Ludlow's signs in Clackamas county. Take a drive up Oatfield road for a look at Lehman's supporters' work.
3:54 p.m.
Oct 18, '12
Clearly "some old kook" has been jerked around enough to decide it's worthwhile to put his time and his resources into speaking up.
And he's not the first person I've heard speak to Ludlow being a bully.
2:52 p.m.
Oct 18, '12
It would have been nice if the reporter had asked the guy to give specific details of the bullying he says he experienced. As it is, this report is just a "he said/he said" and thus gives no hint as to whether the charge has any merit. Surely they must have asked him for details, but I guess they just didn't have time to include them in the report.
4:21 p.m.
Oct 18, '12
The website on the signs reads Maybe there's some specifics there?
5:22 p.m.
Oct 18, '12
It looked like he drives an old VW squareback. Thats good enough for me.
2:02 p.m.
Oct 19, '12
Gee. a bully huh? Has he hit a young lady because she wouldn't have sex with him? His he hit an opposing basketball player in the crotch? hypocrites abound.
9:09 a.m.
Oct 20, '12
Right. Cuz THAT hasn't been discussed AT ALL. (eye roll)
That doesn't absolve Ludlow of a thing.
6:15 p.m.
Oct 20, '12
Holy Non Sequitur, Batman!
Let's see, defending a bully rather than criticizing the bullying or refuting it, while finding fault with others for defending an alleged bully ... who exactly is the hypocrite here?
6:18 p.m.
Oct 20, '12
Should have written "by finding fault with others..."
11:08 a.m.
Oct 20, '12
Not discussed? The Jefferson (train wreck) Smith apologists are legend on this site. Folks who make excuses for a thug then bitch and moan about a candidate who "bullies" while exercising his right to free speech are hypocrites. Just like Obama. When you cannot run on your record, you must try to demonize your opponent. Leman has, time and time again, shown that she could care less what the voters of Clackamas county desire. This is a republic and if your elected representatives do not speak for the majority of their constituency, they should be thrown out. Clackamas county does not need to see 1/4 of its property tax receipts going to "urban renewal" projects which is what has happened to Portland.
6:25 p.m.
Oct 20, '12
Putting aside the fact that Smith has faced substantial criticism on this site, and that his defenders have to a considerable degree disputed the charges in substantive terms ...
BlueOregon collectively did not write this post. Carla did. Carla is not a Smith apologist. Your charge against the site is irrelevant to her posting, never mind what John Ludlow is like.
Your hand-waving about the site is classic turn of the 21st century right wing straw man arguing -- setting up assertions of varying degrees of imaginariness about some group or category of (Democrats)(liberals)(foci of enmity) and arguing against your own assertions, rather than anything someone has actually said or done that might be subject to empirical scrutiny.