ClackCo Chair: Ludlow's "Bully" moniker sticks. Transformation PAC bailing?
Carla Axtman
The "John Ludlow is a bully" issue may have started out as one guy expressing his opinion through the use of signs, but it now appears that the moniker has staying power. So much so that Ludlow went on defense at a candidate's forum, using his time to address the issue.
“Let me tell you what this bully sounds like,” Ludlow began. He spent half his time defending himself against the bully signs.
“I have been a volunteer at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility. Two out of the ten years of their existence, I’ve been their volunteer of the year - that’s an all-women’s prison. That’s what a bully sounds like, huh?”
Ludlow went on to whine about the signs, asking opponent Charlotte Lehan to have the signs taken down. Of course Lehan can't do that, any more than Ludlow can get the Oregon Transformation Project to remove their "Unwanted" posters that include Lehan and Jamie Damon. Damon is running for Clackamas County Commission against rightwing nutjob Tootie Smith.
Lehan v. Ludlow is one of the more high profile races this cycle. Given the scrutiny and importance, it was surprising to see that the huge cash cow for rightwing candidates, Oregon Transformation PAC, has scaled back for both Ludlow and Smith:
The group paid for two new billboards along Interstate 205 supporting county chairman candidate John Ludlow and Position 4 candidate Tootie Smith. More mailers are also in the works, (Lindsay--Director of the Oregon Transformation Project) Berschauer said.
But the group's donations to the pair have fallen significantly since the May 15 primary. Before the primary, the group gave $115,509 to Ludlow and $44,909 to Smith. Since then, the group donated $32,434 to Ludlow and $26,934 to Smith as of Oct. 22.
For context, the PAC has dumped over $67k just in the general election to Matt Wingard acolyte Manuel Castaneda, who isn't exactly burning it up in House District 28. I'm guessing the Oregon Transformation PAC funders are going to have some serious questions about the distributions of funds should Ludlow, Smith and Castaneda all lose.
Which seems more and more likely as we roll toward Election Day.
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2:43 p.m.
Oct 24, '12
It looks like the only thing the "Oregon Transformation PAC" is transforming is campaign contributions into rightie-consultants' pockets.
Mission accomplished.
2:48 p.m.
Oct 24, '12
Has there been any polling on ClackaComm? Haven't seen it. Hard to know where that race is.
2:52 p.m.
Oct 24, '12
There is polling, but none of it's public. And I've only heard third hand about it.
Word on the street: Lehan is ahead. But again, third hand.
3:06 p.m.
Oct 24, '12
Between the flack they are receiving for their highly misleading "Pink" mailer and recent resignation of Allen Alley from their PAC, The Oregon Transformation Project has been having a few bad days lately. Let's hope the voters of Clack Co see through their sham tactics and re-elect Charlotte and Jamie decisively!
10:51 p.m.
Oct 24, '12
Karen in regard to the 'pink mailer' take a look at this... By a supporter from your neck of the woods.
3:44 p.m.
Oct 24, '12
The Oregon Transformation PAC still has the ability to dump tens of thousands of dollars late into these races and flood the airwaves. Now is not the time to back down. Both Jamie and Charlotte have been on the air with their first commercials since last Monday and we need your help to keep them up through election day. Please go to and and do your part to push them across the finish line. These are races CRITICAL for the future of our region.
*Full Disclosure - Lehan and Damon are clients of mine (general consultant, mail and TV)
4:42 p.m.
Oct 25, '12
The first time I heard Ludlow speak at a CCBC meeting, he came off as loud, blustery, and overly aggressive. Later I heard several people call him a bully. It seemed an apt description. As is common with this personality type, he can dish it out, but he can't take it.
I have nothing personal against the guy, but he seems quite unsuited to leading a large government that depends on team-work and co-operation. Of course, I also disagree with his mid-twentieth century approach to planning and land use, and the silly idea that Clackamas County should disengage with the rest of the metropolitan area.
4:59 p.m.
Oct 25, '12
I was present at the town hall in question where Ludlow brought this up himself. Me and my homies were all smiles. I knew he was a vicious bastard but I really thought he was smarter than this.
Anyhow, I now have the very sign in my front yard.