RNC Day 2: Paul Ryan Day
Kari Chisholm
OK, OK, let's talk about the Republican convention. (Rest assured, we'll have much more coverage of the Democratic convention in Charlotte.)
Today was the day that Paul Ryan introduced himself to the country.
He did the traditional attack-dog thing, he misled the public about when the auto plant in Janesville closed, he praised the Simpson-Bowles deficit plan that he voted against, and he (very oddly) barely mentioned tax cuts. But he does have those dreamy blue eyes and just 6% body fat, so move along, move along.
Other thoughts? Are you watching the Republicans? What do you think?
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1:08 a.m.
Aug 30, '12
Even Fox News called out Paul Ryan on his blatant lies. "Ryan's ... attempt to set the world record for the greatest number of blatant lies."
What was most glaring to me is that the author of the voucher plan to end Medicare was trying to pretend he is the savior of Medicare.
2:12 a.m.
Aug 30, '12
Actually, Kari, I strenuously object to your saying that Ryan "misled" the public. What he did was lie through his teeth. I was awestruck by how little contact the speech had with reality.
6:07 a.m.
Aug 30, '12
"I know we don't live in a sane world, we live in a world where Paul Ryan is Very Serious because he usually manages to tie his shoes, but someone has to say it." - Atrios
7:54 a.m.
Aug 30, '12
I'm still reeling over Allen Alley promising to turn our precious home into the 'New Jersey of the West!'
11:25 a.m.
Aug 30, '12
There's a campaign poster for every Democrat running for office in Oregon.
2:22 p.m.
Aug 30, '12
That will play well in Oregon. Oregon does not aspire to be New Jersey. Oregon aspires to be Oregon.
9:34 a.m.
Aug 30, '12
According to Ron Wyden, Paul Ryan is a "good fella."
This type of nicey nicey talk demonstrates a real disconnect from the reality of ordinary people and lends undue credibility and decency to Rescumlicans like Ryan. Wyden seems to be living deep in the washington bubble where everybody is a "good fella" even if you want to destroy Medicare, cut taxes for the rich while slashing programs that help the poor, and make raped women give birth to their rapists baby.
Oregon can do better than Ron Wyden.
12:51 p.m.
Aug 30, '12
Wyden is not running; Ryan is. Eyes on the prize, please.
3:18 p.m.
Aug 30, '12
Oh yes, it's so much more important to engage in a critique of Ryan here in Oregon on BlueOregon where discussing Republican VP nominees really matters. Why bother to discuss our own Senator's relationship with the economic royalist running for VP on a site with a bunch of Democrats?
My eyes are on the prize thank you.
11:33 a.m.
Aug 30, '12
Kari - it's 6-8% body fat. Let's be honest here.
12:04 p.m.
Aug 30, '12
Just can't watch it. Partly because I don't have a TV, and partly because they really have nothing new to say. They have further ways to embarrass themselves (the Cayman Island flag-flying Romney yacht), but I'd much rather watch inspiring stuff, and try to think and create interesting content. Saw Storm Large last night. She mentioned how comedic the R's are - and how she gains material from their blunders, mentioning the ridiculousness of the "legitimate rape" comments. Yes, it's fun to laugh at them, but I'd much rather see us putting forth useful, inspiring policy, rather than focus any more attention on these idiots. Come November, this focus will die out and we'll be back to issues.
1:29 p.m.
Aug 30, '12
this article provides a decent summary, and from FOX News? http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/08/30/paul-ryans-speech-in-three-words/
3:17 p.m.
Aug 30, '12
Oh yes, it's so much more important to engage in a critique of Ryan here in Oregon on BlueOregon where discussing Republican VP nominees really matters. Why bother to discuss our own Senator's relationship with the economic royalist running for VP on a site with a bunch of Democrats?
My eyes are on the prize thank you.
3:44 p.m.
Aug 30, '12
Romney, the changing man will have to reinvent himself again > this time as a sympathetic, likeable guy. Snooty? Moi?
8:51 p.m.
Aug 30, '12
Uh, not so much. Main takeaway from his speech. Economic plan is "four more wars".
7:00 p.m.
Aug 30, '12
Last car off the assembly line in Janesville, WI, Dec. 2008, giving an image for Ryan's accusation that Pres. Obama heartlessly chose not to time travel and save that plant. http://t.co/fFSXUuwT