At Stake: The Future of Clackamas County
Deborah Barnes
I grew up and raised a family in Clackamas County. I teach in Clackamas County. This morning I am fighting for Clackamas County. Today's news story about the election of Clackamas County's Board of Commissioners made me realize how much is at stake this year. The billboards and radio ads (which by the way are obnoxious) spread fear about "Portland Creep". The anti-light rail and anti-planned development group is busy raising funds for their candidates who would take away any economic development opportunities possible for the County.
Frankly, these are the same folks who came before the Milwaukie City Council to say the world would come to an end if we supported a new Sellwood Bridge, light rail into Milwaukie, and urban renewal. These are the folks that scream during public meetings before the County Commission. Instead of fighting for something, they spend their time fighting against everything.
That's why it is so important to support candidates who understand economic development, the need to plan for a future with transportation options, supporting public education, and livability in our region. This weekend I urge my fellow county residents and others who care about Clackamas County in supporting Dave Hunt as the Chair of the Commission. My union, the North Clackamas Education Association, endorses his candidacy because he gets it.
"This Ain't No Tea Party" comedy night fundraiser features Carl Wolfson from KPOJ Radio, former Oregon City Mayor Alice Norris, State Representative Greg Matthews, and Jamie Karn from the Clackamas County Fire Department. The lineup itself is worth the admission. The event happens this Saturday, May 5t, at the new Foundry Event Center in Lake Oswego. More information and tickets can be had by contacting Dave's campaign.
If you want to make sure the local tea party activists don't win this election make sure you support Dave.
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connect with blueoregon
10:24 a.m.
May 2, '12
I really appreciate your support, Deb, and your own great public service! For info and tix to this Saturday's Comedy Night:
6:48 p.m.
May 2, '12
Just because someone disagrees with your point of view, does not mean they are "against everything." I disagree with your assessment and reject your notion that I am not for anything. I am for limited Government, funding roads before trains, and for preserving private property rights. I am fighting for those things, not "against" your vision.
It is parochial at best and arrogant at worst to claim that people who disagree with you about core issues "scream during public meetings" and "are against everything." Surely you must understand that disagreeing with BlueOregon groupthink does not equate with ignorance, nor stupidity.
The last time I heard screaming during a public meeting it was not Tea Party people, it was "occupy"ers and enviro-types. But I do not presume all of you of liberal bent are as rude as they were. That would be narrow-minded of me.
But I give you credit for the hyperbole. It probably goes over well on this board.
I think you would have been better served to talk about Dave Hunt's qualities rather than spend your time slamming those who disagree.
5:03 a.m.
May 3, '12
Maybe you didn't hear about the several meetings of the BCC, including one in April.
12:58 p.m.
May 3, '12
Come Stand up for Clackamas County!
Friday, May 4th at 6 p.m. 2036 SE Washigton Street in Milwaukie Bernard's Garage
Let's stand up and show that the anti-rail activists do not speak for us.
Not now and not in September
Let's bring the Orange Line to Oak Grove and continue the teamwork that makes our region special.
Join us on May 4th and learn how you can help!
9:49 a.m.
May 4, '12
Guess you'll have to drive to the event since Tri-Met is gutting buses, partially due to projects like these.
11:37 a.m.
May 10, '12
maybe you didn't read the story you posted. The man was trying to sit in silence for three minutes.
Don't you think that characterizing him as one of those "folks that scream during public meetings" is a bit inaccurate?
(Quote: Richard Langdon, a regular audience member, attempted to use his three minutes of citizen communication by sitting in silence)