Why is Dave Hunt dissing land use policy he voted for?
Carla Axtman
A few weeks ago, the Willamette Women Democrats held an event that included two of the candidates for Clackamas County Chair: Charlotte Lehan and Dave Hunt. Lehan is the current Clackamas County Chair and has been a sitting Clackamas Co Commissioner since 2008. Hunt has been a state legislator since 2003 and is Executive Director of the Columbia River Channel Coalition and the Association of Pacific Ports.
During the Willamette Women Dems event, somehow the issue of land use came to the fore. According to Lake Oswego City Councilor Donna Jordan, who was in attendance, Hunt specifically slammed the new 50 year urban and rural reserves designations for the Metro area, saying, and I believe this is a paraphrase, "setting anything aside for 50 years is ridiculous".
Jordan said that Hunt's remarks gave her pause. "I think this was a process that was hard fought. Both sides tried to find a mix so that there was an understanding for people with property. It's to assure people that they can develop and it's an important landmark for folks." Jordan expressed concern about Hunt's willingness to take campaign contributions from people who want to develop the area around French Prairie.
Kay Hill, another witness to the event noted, "Hunt said that the 50 years wasn't practical. In my mind, he was promoting the agenda of the developers".
The especially strange part about this is that as a legislator, Hunt voted in 2007 for the legislation that created the 50 year urban and rural reserves in the first place. His current objection seems odd in this context.
It also seems odd that he'd open this up again, given the long, arduous and painful process undergone by the counties and Metro.
Hunt has happily taken a good chunk of campaign money from notorious local developer Chris Maletis - one of the people interested in development at French Prairie. Hunt and I have spoken about this before, and he insists that the money doesn't effect his stance on issues.
Color me skeptical.
For Hunt's part, he responded to my inquiry on this issue with the following in email:
As we are currently wrapping up this legislative session, tonight is tight but here are my thoughts on urban/rural reserves. We should work to protect prime farm and forest lands, to locate as much new development as possible within the existing UGB, and to site any growth outside the UGB in areas with easy access to transportation, sewer, water, schools, and other infrastructure. Smart growth happens when we look at the services a community will need and site growth in areas that can accommodate or already have access to these services.
New growth that was sited several years ago in Damascus, for example, does not meet the smart growth test. I also have major concerns about the high level of density being envisioned for areas like the Stafford basin, and believe we should work to create greater internal density (next to existing urbanized areas) rather than greater density along the outer crusts of the UGB (right next to rural areas). Thank you for allowing me to clarify my position on urban/rural reserves. I appreciated our lengthy discussion on this topic last month as well.
Honestly, I don't know how picking at the urban and rural reserves scab services that statement. And I'm having a lot of trouble seeing how someone gets $2500 from Chris Maletis without promising to give away the farm. Literally.
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9:37 a.m.
Mar 1, '12
I'd like to hear more about this. Rep. Hunt hasn't been bashful about commenting here before, and I'm hoping he weighs in now.
It's certainly possible that Rep. Hunt opposes a rule that was included in legislation he voted for - because it was a small part of the legislation, or because he's changed his mind.
As for the Maletis contribution, it's important to note that the Maletis folks have other interests as well - most notably, Maletis Beverage.
I also think that suggesting a direct quid pro quo without hard evidence is going too far.
As the late, great Speaker of the California Assembly - Jesse Unruh - once said of the influence of lobbyists and special interests, "If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, screw their women and then vote against them, you have no business being up here [in the Legislature]."
9:58 a.m.
Mar 1, '12
And as former PDX Councillor Erik Sten once told me, anybody who tells you major political contributions don't affect how you address policy is lying.
I think Occam would tell us Hunt is trying to appeal to the newly ascendant teabag wing in Clackamas County.
10:15 a.m.
Mar 1, '12
The 50 year set aside is the most basic premise of the legislation, Kari. I find it bizarre that Hunt would bash it after having voted for it.
And yes, the Maletis Bros have other interests besides development. But the biggest thing that County Commissions do (and the thing they're lobbied on the most)is land use. It's unlikely that the County Chair would have a whole lot of other purview that would be of interest.
10:49 a.m.
Mar 1, '12
Paraphrasing second and third-hand sources and drawing inferences based on campaign contributions with no evidence is pretty shoddy blogging, Carla.
10:53 a.m.
Mar 1, '12
Actually Logan, these are firsthand sources. The two women were there listening to Hunt, and I wrote what they said.
10:55 a.m.
Mar 1, '12
Which btw, was virtually identical in nature. And I spoke to them separately.
11:15 a.m.
Mar 1, '12
He's running against Charlotte Lehan, who was the steadiest, smartest, most reliable and courageous local politician involved the Reserves process. She did her level best to make the process work as advertised: protecting prime, irreplaceable farmland and natural features while growing healthy, sustainable urban areas. She stood fast against overwhelming pressure to cave in to development pressures. Having been a County Commission Chair myself (Washington County, 1995-99) I know what sorts of pressures those are, and I can't imagine anyone who cares about real (as opposed to rhetorical) "smart growth" choosing to vote for a candidate who challenges Charlotte Lehan with such heavy duty development-interest baggage. Why do you suppose he decided to run against her in the first place?
There's too much at stake for the whole region in the race for Clackamas County Chair to settle for less than Charlotte's integrity and vision.
12:39 p.m.
Mar 1, '12
For some reason the interface isn't letting me reply directly to Kari above, so:
Kari, Unruh's view may mean no more than that many people have no business being in the legislature. :-) Whether that applies to Rep. Hunt I couldn't say.
There is a different way to read Carla's information than "quid pro quo." As she has documented elsewhere, the Maletis brothers have been pressing heavily all over the place about French Prairie and related principles for some time. The question the substantial donation raises is, does it reflect Chris Maletis having heard what he wants to hear from Dave Hunt? Likewise, does Hunt's new skepticism about the 50 year reserve time horizon reflect Maletis' persuasion?
However, it may be more aimed at defeating Charlotte Lehan than about Hunt specifically, since as Carla reported previously he also donated $2500 to another person running against Lehan. That still suggests that Maletis thinks Hunt will be friendlier to development interests than Lehan and that people concerned about the reserves should note that apparent judgment, without implying a quid pro quo.
1:04 p.m.
Mar 1, '12
This is the most stupid, arrogant, and offensive post I have ever read on BlueOregon.
First, it is stupid because Dave Hunt is a land use champion. No doubt about it. He was the Majority Leader of the 31-29 house that sent Measure 49 to the voters, which saved our comprehensive land-use system. Moreover, I don't know what Dave said at the Willamette Women Democrats forum and neither does Carla. What we do know is what he said to Carla, which she quoted at the end of her article. Dave's quote is smart land-use and environmental policy. Enough said.
Second, it is supremely arrogant to think that it is okay to post something so spurious and poorly reasoned. That is the case, because you either have to be stupid to write something this bad, and I know Carla isn't, or you have to think that the people who are going to read it are stupid. That is supremely arrogant.
Finally, it is offensive to even imply that Dave Hunt's vote is for sale. Carla should go talk to every member of the business lobby that thought he was their boy about Measure 66 & 67 or any number of banking/mortgage reform measures I ran and Dave supported. Dave Hunt paid a high price for standing up for basic Oregon values. It is stupid, arrogant, and offensive to say otherwise.
1:17 p.m.
Mar 1, '12
"Stupid, arrogant & offensive".
Pot. Kettle. Black.
I interviewed two people who gave an identical accounting of what Dave said at WWD. How many people have you interviewed about it, Nick?
1:20 p.m.
Mar 1, '12
so Nick has no plans to ask Carla for a contribution in the future.
i think a reasonable interpretation of the interpretations of attendees is that Dave's running for office in a county that has shown itself to be unreasonable when it comes to reasonable land use (and related) policy. they voted against the minuscule license fee to rebuild the Sellwood Bridge, fergawdsake. if he is couching his opinions in terms that will sound good to voters, well, this is nothing new & nothing ominous. if Dave's message to voters is that "i'll not kowtow to Metro" (without actually saying that), then i'm not sure i blame him. he's got a rep as a solid liberal; not exactly a selling point in much of Clack Co.
i've not always agreed with everything Dave has done, but he's been a good guy. he used his one "silver bullet" as Co-chair of Rules last year to ensure Tuition Equity got a hearing in the House. that told me a lot about the guy. what's going on with regard to this issue, i have no idea. but i'm inclined to agree with Nick more than fear Dave's gone to the dark side.
2:15 p.m.
Mar 1, '12
This is the most stupid, arrogant, and offensive post I have ever read on BlueOregon.
9:24 p.m.
Mar 1, '12
I don't know what Dave said at the Willamette Women Democrats forum and neither does Carla.
Can we get the videotape? Last time I spoke at the WWD, it was videotaped and broadcast on Clackamas cable access -- and I know they've done it many times since.
1:18 p.m.
Mar 1, '12
Isn't it a rule of thumb in politics, if you don't want the appearance of catering to special interests, then don't take their money? A developer qualifies as a special interest with a personal agenda in mind. Wouldn't it be best not to take their money, if there is a conflict of interest in it?
1:41 p.m.
Mar 1, '12
As the now former WashCo Citizen Representative to MPAC, I'm looking at this as a regional issue. Bottom line is if we have both Duyck & Hunt sitting at the regional table, our region will change DRAMATICALLY. Having two county chairs dissing the notion of so-called smart growth (or whatever you want to call it), along with preservation of farm land, forest & natural resources will not result in positive outcomes. Rather, it's called sprawl. If that's what you want, vote for Hunt. If not, Charlotte Lehan needs your support.
2:37 p.m.
Mar 1, '12
I did vote for SB 1011 in 2007, which allows Metro and counties to create intergovernmental agreements to designate rural and urban reserves. I still support that process today.
However, supporting a process for local decision-making doesn't mean that I will agree with every single outcome. For example, although I supported Metro's right to expand the UGB 10 years ago, I think they made a mistake by anticipating such major growth in Damascus so far from the UGB, adequate infrastructure, and services. Although I supported the right of Metro and counties to designate "urban reserves" last year, I think they made a mistake in anticipating overly dense growth in part of the Stafford/Borland area.
I suspect that we all support the RIGHT of elected officials at every level of government to make decisions, even when we strongly disagree with some of the ACTUAL decisions they make. Nothing inconsistent there.
I'm proud of the fact that my County Chair campaign has received more than 430 individual campaign contributions so far -- more than all three of my opponents combined. I've also received the endorsements of more organizations than all three of my opponents combined.
I suggest we all focus on getting Clackamas County back on track, back to work, and moving forward.
3:07 p.m.
Mar 1, '12
Thanks for posting, Dave, but honestly I'm still kind of confused.
If 50 years is ridiculous or not practical, then why vote for it? I get that you support the intergovernmental agreement--but that doesn't explain why you'd vote for something that was for 50 years under those circumstances.
8:32 p.m.
Mar 1, '12
Dave I would like to learn your intention and thoughts regarding allowing development in French Prairie and the area around Charbonneau, south of Wilsonville. Are you supportive of commercial development, such as the touted casino, around Langdon Farms?
This is very much what your contributors, the Maletis brothers, have been pressing for. Naturally they were not happy with this prime agricultural land being classified as Rural Reserve.
10:25 p.m.
Mar 1, '12
I'd like to know this too!!!!
5:34 p.m.
Mar 1, '12
Just a few thoughts. (As a preface, all the research below was compiled by me from publicly available sources. Although I used to work for OLCV and am citing OLCV's Scorecards, this post is by me and me alone).
Anybody who would describe Dave Hunt as a land use champion has paid very little attention to his voting record. He's always tried to straddle both sides of issues like land use and conservation. Among current Democrats in the Legislature, he has one of the poorest records on protecting farm and forest lands from sprawl.
I didn't find anything about Hunt's statements quoted by Carla as surprising because it matches his voting record, even if it's against a specific vote he cast.
Here's a list of specific votes that Dave Hunt cast on land use issues that OLCV categorized as anti-conservation in their scorecards.
2003, HB 2689 Would have authorized counties to create unlimited rural development zones outside UGBs that could be used for industrial facilities or commercial facilities (like Wal-Mart)
2003, HB 3013 Would have effectively allowed unlimited gravel mining on farmland
2003, SB 763 Would have changed PDX Metro UGB process to allow expansion of UGB in subregions without demonstrating need
2005, SB 1037 Would have made Measure 37 claims transferable, dramatically scaling up the value of such claims, leading to more lost farmland.
2005, HB 2458 Would have allowed unlimited industrial development and commercial development zones outside UGBs. (Basically the same as HB 2689 from 2003).
2005, HB 2549 Would have allowed houses to be built on farmland despite agricultural zoning if they contained a “lot of record.” This is an old battle that land use wonks could talk about ad nauseum, but basically would have meant lots more McMansions on farmland.
2007, SB 665 Racetrack sprawl in Morrow county.
2009, HB 2227 Voted against a good proposal that would have cracked down on the creation of sprawling destination resorts outside UGBs that are really rural subdivisions.
2009, HB 3298 Voted against a good proposal that would better protect the Metolius River basin from planned development in the Metolius headwaters.
His overall OLCV Scores over the years:
Overall OLCV ratings: 2003 70% 2005 57% 2007 90% 2009 76% 2011 73%
I'll close this comment by simply saying: Charlotte Lehan is making a great Clackamas County Chair and County voters would be very well served reelecting her.
7:14 a.m.
Mar 2, '12
OLCV lost a lot of cache with me when they used similar lists to the one Jonathan posted above to call Frank Morse one of the 12 worst polluting legislators in the U.S., when their own ratings never had him as one of the 12 worst in Oregon, let alone in the United States.
Legislators make a lot of votes, and those votes can be twisted, misrepresented, etc. to make a political point.
My view on Dave Hunt is that he is in public service for the right reasons.
I think that progressives owe him a debt because he spent a ton of his personal political capital to get Measures 66 & 67 passed. Without those measures, our state's economy and state government would still be hemorrhaging.
Hunt will never be a darling of environmental groups because it is absolutely correct that he tries to strike a balance between protecting the environment and economic development.
But I find it uncharitable, and entirely political, that both Jonathan and Carla have such short memories for the fact that Hunt helped some big things get done in terms of both land use and environmental policy during his time as both speaker and majority leader.
For example, I don't recall Carla complaining when the Metolius protection bill got done when Hunt was Speaker, nor when Measure 49 went to voters when he was majority leader.
We need more people in county government who understand the need for balance in public policy, the alternative for Clackamas County being the hyper-partisan (on land use) war that characterizes the Washington County Commission.
One of the things I respect about Hunt is that he is not afraid of taking on the fights that need fighting and that he is willing to take hits for other members of his caucus, even when he does not personally agree with them.
9:47 a.m.
Mar 2, '12
"For example, I don't recall Carla complaining when the Metolius protection bill got done when Hunt was Speaker..."
Then you remember incorrectly.
10:47 a.m.
Mar 2, '12
I agree. Dave Hunt's environmental record is not stellar, but over the range of issues that progressives care about, he has been effectively positive. His shepherding of M66 and M67 was crucial. That's the kind of leadership Clackamas County needs.
6:47 p.m.
Mar 5, '12
Now, that's a much more honest, pragmatic explanation of one's position than the platitudinous "balance between the environment and economic development" excelsior that so often poses as principle.
6:40 p.m.
Mar 5, '12
Re: "Hunt will never be a darling of environmental groups because it is absolutely correct that he tries to strike a balance between protecting the environment and economic development."
Please explain this strange notion of "balance" to me.
How does one weigh an ecological apple against an 'economic development' orange?
I emailed Mother Nature about this. She responded that she did not understand the concept of environmental trade-offs. It seems that if one wrecks land but "balances" that with the enrichment it provides developers, the land is still wrecked.
What is this "balance?"
I must say, though, that the claim that a state politician is going to sell his votes on such an important matter, for a paltry $2500 campaign donation, strikes me as rather ludicrous. But by the same token, why take the donation in the first place? Is this another permutation of that interesting "balance" theory? E.g., "I have balanced my acceptance of pro-development, anti-small farm campaign donations, with my exercise of sound land use votes."
Look: Nature knows nothing of trade-offs. Either one votes to protect a particular aspect of the environment, or one votes to harm it. That action retains the same character regardless of whether it provides "economic development" -- which is a euphemism for unsustainable exploitation of finite nature.
It is this moronic lexicon about "balance" that has made all this so fuzzy and has produced the governments of mush-heads we have today.
1:20 p.m.
Mar 2, '12
Thank goodness there are politicians who don't see conservation as good (period) and development as bad (period). Both have to exist, and I think it's perfectly reasonable that a policymaker could agree with a general proposition of conservation, and agree with promoting conservation, while finding its application inappropriate at other times.
6:52 p.m.
Mar 5, '12
I do not understand this. Is what you really mean, that at times the correct social course is to develop, while doing so in such manner as to mitigate environmental harm to the degree possible? That, I get. But it sounds as if you are saying that there are times when the ends justify the means, such that mitigation of environmental harm may justifiably be entirely discarded if the economic payoffs are high enough. Which one is it?
6:06 p.m.
Mar 1, '12
73% OLCV rating looks pretty fair for a Clackamas County elected official, who also chaired the lege. Of course regarding documentation we have Dave's actual statement, Carla's interpretation of what some attendees recalled of the meeting, and Jonathan's "all the bad stuff" from the once in four times that he voted against them, so there's that.
8:23 p.m.
Mar 1, '12
Since Dave's been here and hasn't accused me of misstating or mis-characterizing what he said at the WWD meeting, seems even more solid.
You were saying?
11:42 a.m.
Mar 2, '12
As I'm sure is the case with you, I do not rely on politicians whether allies or opponents, to decide the nature of my own observations.
To the larger point regarding the environment, responsible use of resources, and the role of elected officials in addressing these issues, I find Dave to be carefully level headed, and to have done his research on the specifics before he jumps. Jerking knees from any POV ring immediate warning bells for me.
1:05 p.m.
Mar 2, '12
Ok. I'll bite. How does "responsible use of resources and the role of elected officials in addressing these" jive with voting for a piece of legislation whose fundamental principle is a 50 year set aside for urban & rural reserves--and then completely dissing that very thing a relatively short time later?
And frankly, the issue of accepting campaign contributions from those who have had a long term gripe with wanting to build a casino on prime value farm land is meaningful in this context too, like it or not.
7:50 p.m.
Mar 1, '12
Since we have daves actual comment I would like to ask a question about the following statement:
"We should work to protect prime farm and forest lands, to locate as much new development as possible within the existing UGB, and to site any growth outside the UGB in areas with easy access to transportation, sewer, water, schools, and other infrastructure."
Does this mean that the criteria for developing land outside the UGB is simply that it is close to existing infrastructure?
10:41 a.m.
Mar 2, '12
One of the greatest challenges to Clackamas County becoming sustainable is our shortage of employment. Every day, thousands leave the county to work. Metro's plan for big residential development in Damascus/Boring was dumb, and is looking dumber as growth slows and energy prices climb. We need long-term employment development, including zoning for industrial use. We do not need good farm land turned to housing development, high, low, or medium density.
To be fair, Metro's failure at planning for sustainability is forced by Oregon's 20 year building lot supply rule, an abominable sop to homebuilder political power.
Big industry and rural McMansions are easy targets for environmentalists, with good reason; but the hallmark of America's unsustainability is suburbia. We need to be able to work and shop near where we live. Metro and Oregon's landuse planning system has failed Clackamas County on that.
1:07 p.m.
Mar 2, '12
We also don't need good farm land turned in to casinos and major industrial outlets either.
1:23 p.m.
Mar 2, '12
Langdon Farms has been a golf course for many years now, and would never go back to being farmland.
1:37 p.m.
Mar 2, '12
Well it could, but it probably won't.
But that's not the point. The point is that taking more high quality/value farmland there to build a casino is a really lousy thing for us to be doing.
2:08 p.m.
Mar 2, '12
I favor protecting good farm land, and I am not favorable toward casinos anywhere, but we need to consider what we are already doing while considering alternatives.
Expansion of the Metro UGB has often meant development on good farm land. That can be more or less destructive, depending on how we do it. Building suburban housing tracts on farmland in an area already short of employment is more destructive than using that same land to provide long-term employment for the people already living in the area.
Washington County has lots of jobs. People drive there from Multnomah, Clackamas, and Clark County to work. If there is ag land turned to housing in the Metro area, it should be in Washington County. If ag land in Clackamas County is developed, it should produce employment - and I do not mean short term construction jobs.
5:44 p.m.
Mar 5, '12
Would like to renew your historical knowledge here. Because Clackamas County had zoned so much of the Damascus area as "exception" land, ie, removed rural protections and allowed what is basically sprawl development, under state law, Metro HAD to bring this land into the UGB before any other lands could be considered. With that devil's choice, we did also include considerable industrial land (promptly eaten up by N. Clackamas Park and School Districts as well as Providence--with concurrence of the Clackamas Cty commission) as well as spending over $1 M to help the new city of Damascus engage its citizens in creating a homegrown plan for its community, consistent with the goals accepted and followed by the rest of the region's 24 cities. The best path to take? maybe not. But it wasn't a "dumb" move, just the only one allowed. The reserves process was pushed by Metro to avoid such no-win choices in the future.
7:00 p.m.
Mar 5, '12
Bases now loaded! I mjust say, however, that in my opinion, what happened to Washington County is very sad. But it is a fait accomplis and your focus is very sound based upon reality.
6:57 p.m.
Mar 5, '12
Score another base hit for Civiletti.
1:22 p.m.
Mar 2, '12
I am an activist Democrat. In my 74 years, I have lived in Lake Oswego, Gresham and now rural Canby. almost every day for years now, I have worked at on issues of Education, Homelessness and Hunger, various forms of racial discrimination and economic injustice in this County. I can tell you unequivocally that on all of those issues, Clackamas County has never had a better champion than Dave Hunt. He stood up to the narrow anti-tax power of big business and almost single handedly made it possible to get 66 & 67 on the ballot so that the myth that Oregonians would never support a tax measure was broken. And then took the heat that followed without apology or even flinching. Does that sound like a guy who can be bought for a $2500 contribution from a businessman?
To see him attacked here by the kind of narrow minded single interest mentality that plays so well in Multnomah County but creates immense and debilitating conflict in my County is very disheartening. Litmus test politics is the last thing that Progressives here need. If it is pursued successfully, it Sig likely to lead, either in this election or the next one, to having the Clackamas County seat at the Metro table occupied by these me clone of the Republican candidates we have been watching in horror. Come on, people!
1:40 p.m.
Mar 2, '12
Respectfully, issues involving land use are one of the main things county commissions do. The Chair of a county commission in the metro area has an enormous say in how things are done not only in their county, but in the region with Metro.
It's vital that we are clear on the vision and policy priorities of the next Chair when it comes to this set of issues.
3:55 p.m.
Mar 2, '12
Respectfully, Land Use Planning issues are not and should not be the ONLY issues that County Commissions handle. They also have large influence on Economic Development, an area which is clearly and increasingly central to the quality of life for our citizens. Dave has a great record of concern and balance on both fronts.
I am well aware that the County Chairs have a great influence in the entire region. You seem to have missed my point on that, so I will try to be more clear.
There is a growing and ever more potent political force in Clackamas County which is diametrically opposed to any serious continuing concern for the environment. It would be a serious mistake to think that this is only coming from Tea Party types. It is much more widespread than that, and includes many very responsible moderate Republican and Independents. Nothing activates and motivates all of them more than the kind of litmus test attitude you are pushing here. And they have gained, not lost strength in recent elections, much of that because of the widely perceived single minded concern of the County leadership with land use planning. Dave has the capability to counteract them and reach moderate leadership throughout the County - Charlotte not so much.
So if the Dave loses, you could find yourself looking at a Clackamas County Chair who is your worst nightmare come to life, either now or after the next election.
3:50 p.m.
Mar 3, '12
Just to clarify. Carla wrote "issues involving land use are one of the MAIN things county commissions do" (emphasis mine).
You wrote "Land Use Planning issues are not and should not be the ONLY issues that County Commissions handle" (emphasis yours).
Carla didn't say that land use is one of the main things that county commissions deal with, not the only thing they deal with.
1:25 p.m.
Mar 2, '12
Sorry for the mistakes in spelling - my old fingers aren't too good on small keyboards.
But you get the idea!