Wyden's Twist on Medicare
Paulie Brading
Senator Ron Wyden and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan unveiled a new approach to saving the federal health program known as Medicare at a breakfast this morning hosted by the Bipartisan Policy Center. Senator Wyden has a record on working in a bipartisan manner searching for solutions, especially for seniors. Wyden has been a champion of seniors since he began the Oregon chapter of the Gray Panthers over thirty years ago.
The lawmakers wrote, "We are two Members of Congress who firmly believe in the iron-glad guarantee of the Medicare program, and this belief has informed our understanding of the unacceptable risk to our seniors' health and retirement security if we don't come together as a country and take action to save and strengthen Medicare. We realize our absolute responsibility to preserve the Medicare guarantee of affordible, accessible health care for everyone of the nation's seniors for decades to come."
Reviewing several blogs show Wyden experiencing some surliness from his fellow Democrats for working with, of all people, Paul Ryan.
Matt Miller of The Washington Post wrote, "With this new plan, Ryan has signed onto the idea of subsidizing people to buy coverage from well-regulated health exchanges that must take all comers and charge them similar premiums regardless of health status." Miller continues, "If that framework sounds familiar, it should - it basically descibes the dreaded Obamacare!"
Did Wyden pull Ryan into universial healthcare? Ryan now supports the Affordable Care Act model.
"Wyden has put Ryan in a box where he can be forced to admit there's no way to get our long-term fiscal house in order without higher taxes as the boomers age," states Miller. He goes on, "If the media are smart and persistent enough to to force the question of Ryan's endless debt, Wyden will have set in motion a Republican "uncle" on taxes that could fundementally alter public debate in the years ahead."
This is very complex and captivating at the same time.
Your take.
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10:04 a.m.
Dec 15, '11
As with everything related to health care, this is really complex. I'm probably going to be blowing up my weekend to brush up on Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and study this plan.
As a first blush reaction, I think it's important to note that just eight months after Paul Ryan committed himself to abolishing Medicare, Ron Wyden has gotten him to agree to protecting Medicare forever.
That's a huge flip-flop from Ryan -- and you can see that in the reaction from the hard-core right. They're freaking out, saying that Ryan sold 'em out.
As I learned during the last two health care episodes - first, Wyden's 2006 Healthy Americans Act; and second, the 2009 health care reform fight - health care is really, really complex. There are a lot of moving parts, and a single adjective can make a huge difference in the policy outcome. (For example, one that I'm seeing here - a distinction between "GDP" and "nominal GDP". If you don't understand that, you're not seeing the whole picture.)
So, I'm going to reserve judgment for now. Time to dig into the details.
Full disclosure: My firm built Ron Wyden's campaign website. I speak only for myself.
1:50 p.m.
Dec 17, '11
Senator Wyden is clearly ignoring the the resolution passed by Democratic Party of Multnomah County in favor of a SINGLE PAYER solution.
10:28 a.m.
Dec 15, '11
New York Times:
Huff Post:
Ezra Klein:
10:36 a.m.
Dec 15, '11
A couple more notable quotes:
Romney Campaign Statement (c/o Slate)
1:14 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
I will tend to give Ezra's views great weight. Important to note that in his final paragraph, he doesn't say he's opposed - though he starts out skeptical.
10:44 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
As so much of the literature tells us, there is no way to have for-profit health care.
6:27 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
Any list of health care policy sites would be incomplete without these folks.
While there are many questions still to be answered, the bipartisan nature of this proposal is not something to sneeze at. No meaningful reform (including single payer) is possible without going after providers. Look at Vermont, they estimate most of their savings will come from provider payment & practice reform. That kind of action on a national scale is impossible so long as this issue is mired in trench warfare.
10:32 a.m.
Dec 15, '11
I find the whole thing deeply unsettling, so I look forward to someone digging in and finding out what it actually means. Early reports are not good.
11:13 a.m.
Dec 15, '11
First, I appreciate Wyden's effort to work cooperatively with someone on the opposite extreme. However, I don't believe this proposal will succeed in generating a plan that actually works. (The part about providing specialized coverage plans for particular needs disturbs me, as it would further divide groups, resulting in some individual being in small high risk pools with extremely high costs, carrying our current system to it's worst extreme.)
Second, anyone who wants to learn more about how to reform health care in order to truly achieve universal health care should go to Portland Community College Cascade Campus, Moriarty Hall, this Saturday (Dec 14) 1pm to 4pm, and hear about how Vermont adopted a plan for Single Payer Health Care.
11:15 a.m.
Dec 15, '11
If I could edit my previous comment, I would correct the date for Saturday to Dec 17, and add an 's' to "individual".
12:25 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
I interpret this as Wyden's capitulation to the privatization crowd.I would be inclined to find Ezra Klein's analysis well informed. Richard Trumka today called out Wyden's gambit accusing him of seeking ""praise from powerful people who care more about the appearance of bipartisanship"
My hope is that Wyden gets thoroughly marginalized with this so that other Dems who want to privatize Medicare (or Soc. Sec.) are otherwise dissuaded.
12:44 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
Wow. Abandoning a single payer model for Medicare and adopting what is in essence a voucher program shifts all the risk of health care financing onto the backs of senior citizens. I will be waiting for a Fox News editorial explaining why this is a good idea, because for the moment I can't comprehend what Wyden is trying to accomplish.
1:21 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
Based on this behavior I would say Wyden is trying to lose relevance and influence and do it quickly. What better way than to put forward a plan to phase out Medicare and further enrich corporate insurance companies. Sadly for Oregon he is quickly losing stock and marginalizing himself while getting great praise from Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, John Boehner and other GOPers.
1:11 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
Wyden's betrayal gets universal thumbs down from the President and Dems in Congress. In contrast Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney are giving great praise to Wyden's plan. John Boehner " a step in the right direction.) I think Wyden has forgotten who he is and who elected him.
Two White House spokesmen — Jay Carney and Dan Pfeiffer — rejected the plan outright. Carney said the plan would “end Medicare as we know it.”
Leaving Wyden’s name out of it, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said, “[Paul] Ryan’s latest Medicare plan is another example of GOP’s desire for Medicare, as Gingrich described, to “wither on the vine.”
Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) — “despite Wyden’s claims otherwise, the Wyden-Ryan plan ends Medicare as we know it, plain and simple.” nuff said..
2:38 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
I guess since everyone on both sides seems to think this is an awful idea, then that means, by typical beltway-think, this plan is a good one.
I honestly don't know. But the way a lot of people are jumping all over it simply because it means talking with Paul Ryan just leaves a really sour taste in my mouth.
3:08 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
Well, actually the GOP luvs it some. Gingrich, Romney, Boehner, and others. So essentially Wyden has signed on to a GOP plan to voucherize, privatize, and eliminate Medicare as a govt. guarantee for comprehensive health care coverage. Their plan is beyond talking.
7:39 a.m.
Dec 16, '11
How about using a simple minded democrat like Ron Wyden to make an otherwise completely fractured Republican party look a little bit sane? For the sake of votes no doubt - all of the frontrunners in their circus debate last night praised the relationship. Maybe Wyden is being blackmailed like so many others.
2:55 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
Wyden seems to have an obsession with "bipartisanship." In my opinion, Oregon can do better. He should have a primary challenge in 2016.
Here's what I would like to ask Senator Wyden: Why do you continue to allow the Republicons to implement minority rule in the Senate? Being in control, they can of course change the Senate rules to end the abuse of the filibuster but they continue to permit the R's to obstruct democracy and carry out the 1% agenda.
Many may remember when Democrats were abusing the filibuster back in Bush's first term...the Republicans told them they would change the rules if they continued. Democrats should have done this in 2008. Instead they sit back and tell us it's the Republicn's fault......that they just don't have the 60 votes.
3:08 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
Wyden is going the opposite direction from what he should be doing; expanding Medicare by allowing younger, healthier people into the risk pool.
Instead, he is letting the wealthier, healthier seniors opt out of Medicare and subsidizing the health insurance companies that have bought and paid for Congress.
Bad, bad move. I'm being ripped off by Kaiser, and counting down the 23 1/2 years until I become eligible for Medicare; I imagine it will be gone or a dessicated husk by then, and I'll have the privilege of turning most of my Social Security check over to a private insurer, just as I do now.
3:22 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
"Wyden is going the opposite direction from what he should be doing; expanding Medicare by allowing younger, healthier people into the risk pool."
<hr/>Exactly.. this is a no-brainer policy direction for reducing the costs of Medicare. The fact that Wyden and those like him are not pursuing this direction makes me utterly suspicious about their motives and their values. The U.S. senate is the closest thing we have to a privileged aristocracy in this country, and the longer they spend there, the more Wyden and people like him end up being a captive of the corporate money and privilege coming their way. I can only conclude he's 'all in' for the corporate insurers and is doing everything possible to prop them up and defeat a viable single payer public option. Anyone who wants to sign on to the Ryan plan has no clue or simply doesn't care about the life that most seniors and disabled people are living and their health care needs and financial limitations. Wyden will never face those limitations himself.
3:29 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
Press Release from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka slams the Ryan-Wyden proposal. Here's a little chunk of the statement.
"The Ryan-Wyden plan betrays a fundamental misdiagnosis of the problem with health care cost growth. We agree that if America fails to bring health care cost growth under control, health care costs will eventually bankrupt families, private businesses, state governments, and the federal government.
It is the height of irony that the Ryan-Wyden plan destabilizes the most effective tool we have to control health care cost growth, which is Medicare.
Under Ryan-Wyden, private for-profit insurance companies will cherry pick the healthiest seniors and stick Medicare with sicker and more costly seniors, driving up costs for Medicare, fragmenting and destabilizing the Medicare risk pool, leaving traditional Medicare to wither on the vine.
In the end, the answer to the problem of health care cost growth is for more people to use Medicare, not fewer. The Ryan-Wyden zombie proposal takes us in exactly the wrong direction."
3:36 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
Keeping it simple says: A bill to require that all purchases from big Pharma would be at the lowest cost through bulk purchases.
The authorization for defense spends two billion dollars per day. As Rep. DeFazio has pointed out the Pentagon (originally intended to be a library by FDR after WW2) says they could not withstand an audit by 2014. Maybe by 2017.
On Sept. 10, 2001 Defense Sec. Rumsfeld held a news conference wherein he admitted that the Pentagon had spent more than three trillion dollars that it could not explain.
My point is that the quest for a bi-partisan solution on health and security for the 99% begins with removing Wyden, Ryan, etc.
3:51 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
More backlash for Wyden than Ryan on their proposal. Ryan is getting a lukewarm reception from the R's and Wyden is hearing from the White House and top Dems on just how unhappy they are with his twist on Medicare.
4:01 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
White House comments at briefing today here and in Washington Post here expressing harsh concerns.
4:14 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
This is a load of crap. Single-payer (which our current Medicare represents in our country) is by far the least expensive way to deliver healthcare. And it would be even less expensive except for the retail-price provision for Rx in Medicare Part D (which Wyden also supported). Some may say that Wyden has won a victory over Ryan; what's really going on is that both of them get what they want: that is to undermine our single-payer example.
Ron Wyden (R-NY, Likud-Israel).
4:27 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
To Mr. Kari Chisolm: you are a single-payer advocate; how, then, can you possibly view this in a positive light? Isn't policy more important than whether or not GOP and (alleged) Dems can find a way to get along?
1:58 a.m.
Dec 16, '11
Yes, policy is what matters.
Bipartisanship is one possible means to an end, not an end by itself.
5:48 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
Wyden was terrible during the health care debate, cutting the legs out from each progressive proposal.
He needs to spend more time with Bernie Sanders and learn to say the only words that count: Single Payer.
6:45 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
Just watching the GOP debate, and both Newt and Mitt were tripping over themselves to congratulate Wyden and Ryan. They love the plan.
My unease grows.
8:09 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
Consider this, love it or hate it: Ryan is up for re-election this year. As a Tea Party candidate, he was already on shaky ground before allowing this apparently bipartisan announcement to surface. And in so doing, he has no doubt further alienated much of his base. Wyden by contrast, is not up for re-election until 2016. His seat is safe for another 4+ years, and as such, he can afford to posture and lead people down the garden path, only to suddenly change direction as they blindly stumble off of a cliff.
In any case, this proposal is slated to wait until after the election before undergoing any serious consideration, and based upon the fickle views of those who put Ryan into office, this just may be the nail in the coffin that carries him out of it.
8:10 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
Political Ju-Jitsu as Thom Hartmann loves to imply. (Though I was surprised that such a notion never came up during his comments on this issue today.)
8:15 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
Analysis by Kaiser Heal News writer - "Wyden-Ryan Plan Could Neutralize Medicare In 2012 Election - Indeed, it could neutralize a political problem that has been plaguing Republicans since April, argues Robert Blendon, a professor of health policy and political analysis at the Harvard School of Public Health."
Wonderful news as we prepare for the 2012 Campaign. I'm sure all the Democratic candidates appreciate this move.
10:59 p.m.
Dec 15, '11
While this is a year old now, it has the data and the comparisons that reinforce (as though that were necessary) the only answer: single payer, universal health care.
7:09 a.m.
Dec 16, '11
I think Mr. Wyden has delivered himself a grievous self-inflicted political wound from which there will be no recovery any time soon. When you spit on your core constituency and the values that defined your political career and put you into office, you have permanently damaged your career.
7:28 a.m.
Dec 16, '11
Nice try Paulie, but no cigar. You sound like a hold-out from the Obama voters who insisted he was playing chess and we just didn't get it. Your analysis of the Wyden/Ryan issue is what is known as tortured logic. Give it up. Wyden needs to be pressured into getting out of this arrangement with Ryan, who is a verifiably psycho/ayn rand-fox-news-created robot. Wyden is being used to make the otherwise lunatic Republican party look reasonable. He must change his path now.
7:31 a.m.
Dec 16, '11
Kari, it seems to me you are jaded by your employment with Eileen Brady. Your arguments suddenly sound very neo-liberal and uncharacteristically lacking in perspective. Et tu Brute?
7:33 a.m.
Dec 16, '11
regarding Brute, in the words of the beloved WC Fields "accent after the e!"
12:10 p.m.
Dec 16, '11
The important move between now and 2012 election will be for the Dem Party and those running for election to thoroughly vilify Wyden and distance themselves from him on this issue.