Final Federal Election Of 2011 A Big One For Women (TPM)
T.A. Barnhart
Talking Points Memo, after noting the the 2010 election led to the first decrease of women in Congress in years (by one, down to 72, reduced further after the resignation of Jane Harman), points out an "under-reported" turnaround. First Kathy Hochul won in New York and then Janice Hahn in California, restoring the pre-2010 level of women in Congress. And now, of course, a chance to move even further ahead:
On November 8, state Sen. Suzanne Bonamici will face two candidates in the Democratic primary in OR-01.... EMILY’s list is backing Bonamici, and a pair of recent polls — one put out by the Democratic women’s group — show her with a huge lead over her two primary opponents. If Bonamici wins the nomination and goes on to win in January, the number of women in the House in the 112th [Congress] will stand at 74, a gain of one since the 111th.
Why do I bring this up?
“We know the best defense against the GOP anti-woman agenda is more Democratic women in Congress, and that’s what we’re delivering,” [Jess McIntosh, spokesperson for EMILY’s List] said. “The Democratic Party has real momentum going into 2012, and it’s because of the women running - and winning - in special elections this year.”
The two Brads would represent women well in the House, as they would represent all constituents (save, perhaps, the One-percenters). But as no one would argue a rich, white lawyer could represent poor persons of color as well as someone from their community, no man can bring to Congress what a woman can. Arguing for the "best qualified candidate, period" is naive. Congress needs to represent the American people far, far better than it does. Bonamici is, of course, a one-percenter, but she's proven to be a traitor to that group by working hard to protect Oregonians not as economically fortunate as she. She more than meets the standard of "qualified for Congress". And she can do what neither of the two Brads can do: Be a woman in Congress.
If we want to make America a more just, equitable nation, we need more of the unrepresented in elected office. Suzanne Bonamici can do that and, at the same time, bring a ton of brains, compassion and integrity with her.
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4:24 p.m.
Oct 26, '11
Per TA:
"Bonamici is, of course, a one-percenter..."
8:05 p.m.
Oct 26, '11
Why would you support a one-percenter who is likely to become a compromising conservadem when you could support a true progressive like Brad Avakian? I am all for more women in congress, but I would rather have a progressive than a female conservadem.
10:50 p.m.
Oct 26, '11
The idea that Bonamici is a "conservadem" isn't borne out by her voting record, her leadership, or her stances on the campaign trail. There are maybe a couple issues that she differs on some progressives with, just as Avakian and Witt do.
I worked with her as she took leadership on environmental issues in 2009. She tied for the top scores in the Oregon Senate on protecting the environment in both 2007 and 2009, and was one of two Senators we chose to highlight as key leaders. We named her "Protector of Children's Health."
Here's what we wrote in the OLCV Scorecard: "While we pay our legislators to work only part-time, Senator Suzanne Bonamici worked throughout the interim and the 2009 session to navigate a complex issue: the use of pesticides in and around schools. using her ability to bridge interests and bring people together, Bonamici built broad support for Senate Bill 637, key legislation which requires schools to adopt integrated pest management plans, using pesticides only as a last resort. the bill will protect the health of students, faculty, and workers at Oregon’s schools."
I haven't endorsed in this race, but it's critical voters make their decisions based on facts, instead of strange insinuations.
12:13 p.m.
Oct 27, '11
She is a one-percenter. She is not very committed to ending the wars. She has indicated her willingness to compromise with republiCONs. We have seen how compromise with republiCONs works in congress; it means the one-percenters win and the rest of us lose. She has indicated her willingness to accept trade deals. Again this is a situation where the one-percenters win and the rest of us lose. The rest of us have been losing too much for too long. I am not will to take the risk on her. A safer vote is to support Brad Avakian, who is very clear on these issues.
5:06 p.m.
Oct 27, '11
Any of the candidates elected to Congress becomes a top-five-percenter in income just through their Congressional salary ($174,000).
Only Nixon could go to China. One of the reasons Warren Buffett and Bill Gates Sr. have so much credibility in talking about increasing taxes on the rich is that they are the rich. Sen. Bonamici has been the same, supporting Measure 66 (a tax on those who could afford it).
8:19 p.m.
Oct 26, '11
Can we get some sort of citation for the one-percenter claim? Or at least an explanation?
8:26 p.m.
Oct 26, '11
Link below for citation.
7:53 a.m.
Oct 27, '11
Does anyone know what the wealth threshold is to put someone in the top 1%? I've only found a source for income (in 2010, $380,354).
8:03 a.m.
Oct 27, '11
The threshold for income is around 500,000 (per the WSJ income/wealth generator, no linky, sorry, didn't bookmark it). For wealth, it's something around 5 million.
9:14 p.m.
Oct 26, '11
Well TA, you've just made quite the case for why everyone voting in the Democratic Primary in the First CD should vote for Saba Ahmed. She's a woman, a person of color and part of the 99%. And the gravy: she's a Muslim who is working to educate the locals about Islam. Based on your criteria, Saba is the jackpot. I can't think of a more underrepresented group in Congress than Islamic women of color.
You've boiled the entire list of necessary qualifications down to a checklist of physical and genetic attributes to meet a diversity quota. The depth of how insulting this is--well, its tough for me to find the words. The idea that the best way to get to Congress is to get lucky in the gene and gender pool reduces us to the most base denominators.
You further state the claim that a man (no matter their outstanding history of being a champion for issues that matter to women) can't possibly represent women appropriately.
And in that same essential breath, you claim that a one percenter (your own label, not mine) can adequately represent the rest of us in the 99%--because she has an outstanding history of doing so. You really think that squares up?
And then there's the supporting the " qualified candidate, period is naive..." thing. You're seriously discouraging us to seek out and vote for the best, most qualified person to represent our district in Congress?
I'm not so sure that Team Bonamici is cheering this post. According to you, she's not-the-best-qualified-one-percenter. I suspect that's not the frame they're looking to present to us.
12:03 p.m.
Oct 27, '11
Carla, we're friends, so i can say this to you: bullsh*t.
Saba is not qualified for Congress. she lacks the depth of legislative & other leadership & professional work that Suzanne & the 2 Brads have. i have never said being a woman is enough. but given the SB is fully qualified to serve in Congress, the fact that she's a woman makes her candidacy even more exciting.
one of the great things about Lew Frederick serving in the House is that he is African-American; that actually matters. a lot. your arguments against gender-based voting make it sound as if being a woman is incidental, an accident of nature & history. which is pure bullsh*t. it does matter that in Bonamici, CD 1 voters can send a woman to Congress. a qualified, experienced, intelligent, hard-working woman who will represent the district as well as her two main competitors.
you can keep accusing me of "boiling down" but i have consistently begun with basic competencies, and i have consistently said the 3 top Dems all clear that hurdle. and i have consistently said that i believe it's a toss-up between SB & BA (for me), so i go for the next factor that matters. but i begin with the most important factor: is she qualified to serve in Congress? and is she as qualified as her opponents.
both of those get a resounding Yes.
1:23 p.m.
Oct 27, '11
Wait...according to your post here, those of us in the 1st CD shouldn't be seeking out the most qualified candidate. We're naive (your word) for attempts to do so. But now that it doesn't square with the candidate you say you prefer, all of a sudden depth of experience and leadership matter? Well if that's going to be your higher priority, then you should be supporting Avakian. You can't have it both ways.
And while I think it's especially neat that you're trying to explain to me how I came about my gender, I'm pretty sure it was the luck of the genetic draw. In terms of my ability to serve in public office (or not), my gender IS incidental relative to my experience, skills and leadership abilities. If your big thing is sending underrepresented gender and ethnic groups to Congress--then again, Saba is your candidate.
You're attempting to make the "all things being equal argument" now--and they're not. Avakian has skills, experience and leadership qualities that I value (as a voter in this district) in greater quantities than does Bonamici and is more prepared for the job. As I've stated previously, I will cheerfully vote for Bonamici should she win (she is vastly more prepared and better on policy than any of the GOP candidates by a long shot). But for this primary, she is not.
10:12 p.m.
Oct 26, '11
I am SO damned tired of people voting based on gender, race, religion or any criteria other than who can do the job best. Can we please move beyond this crap? You want people to vote for Bonamici, tell us how her views, plans and ideas outweigh the other candidates.
12:08 p.m.
Oct 27, '11
gender, race, religion do matter. they may seem like qualifications to you, but they matter. being a woman means you live & experience life differently than a man does. i got to video an interview with Norma Paulus recently; the fact that she was female shaped everything about her life. she had to be OVER-qualified to even move forward in life.
or ask Lew Frederick & Chip Shields: which of them has been stopped while driving because of their skin color?
Keith Ellison's religion may seem incidental to you (and may not matter to many of his constituents, not in a way to not vote for him), but it damn sure matters that there is 1 Muslim in Congress. pretending that there are some kind of value-free qualifications that are all that matters is naive at best and dishonest at worst.
1:11 p.m.
Oct 27, '11
Gee, TA, I really appreciate you schooling me on what it means to be a woman in this society, I really do. Having been raised in hyper-religious-conservative Oklahoma, I had no idea really, how women are treated differently than men. (eyeroll)
As for Bonamici, you keep saying that she and the Brads are all qualified therefore send her because she's a woman. My argument is she is NOT as qualified as Avakian because I believe that most CD1 voters would prefer someone who wants to end the war now and to end NCLB (for just two examples).
Our disagreement stems from your premise that they are equally qualified and I disagree with that premise.
By the way, I have seen men represent women's issues better than some women in politics and vice versa. You yourself are stating that being a woman is different---you get it. If you were running for office against a woman that I decided after reading up on the issues that you were equally qualified in every way (not possible by the way since we all make our own judgment calls about who/what is qualified) but if I did decide you were equal in other respects, should I choose the woman because she's a woman? Where's the sense in that?
Oh, well, neither of us is in CD1 so it's just a thought exercise for us anyway.
7:35 a.m.
Oct 27, '11
How quickly we forget. The gains made by women are grossly incomplete, evidenced by continuing disparity in pay in all racial and ethnic groups of women and has actually worsened at the highest end of education achievement:
in number of jobs employing women (which has worsened since the "end" of the recession):
So with 16.8% of the House and 17% of the Senate being women, how is being represented by men working out for 50.8% of the population? We all remember the joke that we enjoyed during Bush's tenure: "The definition of insanity? Doing the exact same thing over and over and expecting a different result." I say history tells us that this is not working: that in and of itself suggests that we need to both think and act differently. Don't get me wrong, I believe all of our Democratic candidates are supportive of issues identified as "women's." But after years of men dominating Congress, some of whom have undeniably worked to alleviate the discrimination women face across our culture, and even with gender bias laws in place, discrimination is alive and well. Does this mean electing more women is the only answer? No, but it as a strategy, it has languished in recent years and I believe that it is a critical piece of the whole. More women in Congress who are not only active advocates for women's issues, but equally importantly, visible and vocal role models in leadership, will change the psyche of this country, especially for young people. When it becomes commonplace for women to be seen and heard in politics, when kids grow up seeing photos of Congress where half the chairs have women in them, when we have a generation of young voters who look at old pictures of Congress and ask, "Where are the women?" then we will have a nation that EXPECTS equality to be the norm.
When I have high quality candidates from which to choose who are essentially equal in qualifications and with whose policy positions I agree, as a woman and the mother and especially now as the grandmother of young girls, I will vote for the woman. Women's Lib as a slogan sounds outdated now, but our work is far from done and the way we are doing things in election politics is not working nearly well enough.
7:57 a.m.
Oct 27, '11
I hope the folks arguing against gender favoritism in choosing candidates will stay true to that position.
8:13 a.m.
Oct 27, '11
What's your own position on choosing candidates based on gender favoritism, Alex?
8:25 a.m.
Oct 27, '11
I'm sure white racists hoped that those against racial "favoritism" stayed true to their positions, too, as did those pushing to keep DADT. Not calling you a racist, Alex, just to be clear, nor am I calling you anti-woman. Just making a point, that the arguments made about affirmative action of all kinds are not dissimilar. I get those arguments, and see sense in some, but back to the old joke, electing our representatives as if we are blind to gender is not moving us forward.
8:27 a.m.
Oct 27, '11
Don't know why this posted twice - can the editor remove one?
8:26 a.m.
Oct 27, '11
I'm sure white racists hoped that those against racial "favoritism" stayed true to their positions, too, as did those pushing to keep DADT. Not calling you a racist, Alex, just to be clear, nor am I calling you anti-woman. Just making a point, that the arguments made about "affirmative action" of all kinds are not dissimilar. I get those arguments, and see sense in some, but going back to the old joke, electing our representatives as if we are blind to gender is not moving us forward.
12:09 p.m.
Oct 27, '11
don't be absurd, Alex. no one is arguing that one bit.
10:06 a.m.
Oct 27, '11
I think Carla has the most appropriate adjective: insulting. And let me ask you: what's been the progressive benefit from women like Blanche Lincoln or Claire Mcaskill, not to mention the Maine rightwinger ladies (and before you squeak about how moderate they are check the voting records) and locals like Butler-Herrera?
PS--I saw Brad Avakian and his team out in full force at the OccupyPDX solidarity rally. Where was Susan, or the other Brad for that matter?
10:11 a.m.
Oct 27, '11
There has been no benefit, because they are not progressive. I have not and never would advocate voting for a women whose policy positions I do not support. Thought that was clear, sorry if it was not.
11:52 a.m.
Oct 27, '11
Suzanne was also there. Didn't see Witt.
2:46 p.m.
Oct 27, '11
Brad Witt has been to OP, also. Why this has become a litmus test, I don't know.
12:12 p.m.
Oct 27, '11
Mark, it would be insulting if i had said "Vote Bonamici JUST because she's a woman". i did not. she's qualified to be in Congress, regardless. she's proven that repeatedly by her work in the Leg. what's insulting is that Carla & you (and others) refuse to respond to what i write & instead twist my words & omit key points.
1:03 p.m.
Oct 27, '11
I completely understand and agree with the desire to see more representative numbers of women in office. That said, I think the argument that voters should choose Bonamici specifically and solely because she is a woman is not constructive or helpful to that cause. If anything, it's harmful. I understand that it's predicated upon your belief that the candidates are otherwise the same. However, that's hardly a unique statement in politics (I recall a lot of people saying it about Bush and Gore in 2000...) and I think the proper response is to do a little more homework instead of encouraging people to lazily decide that one candidate is better than another based on a chromosome.
The issue today is not that female candidates are less likely to win than male candidates. If that were the case and voters seemed to have a general bias (conscious or otherwise) against female candidates then perhaps there would be a legitimate argument for assigning female candidates extra weight based on their gender to specifically attempt to counter that bias. However, that's not the problem. There have been a number of academic studies over the years that have found women running for Congress are just as likely to win as men. Not to toot my own horn, but I wrote my thesis on female candidates running for state legislature and sampled every state legislative race in Oregon between 1998-2008, and again female candidates were as likely to succeed as men. Women who run aren't having any increased difficulty winning elections in Oregon or for Congress in general.
The issue today is that there are simply far fewer women running for office than men. If there were equal numbers of candidates from both genders, then there would be an even split amongst officeholders. Thus, the productive way to address the disparity between women and men in Congress or elsewhere is simply to increase the numbers of female candidates. Organizations like Emerge Oregon that focus on providing potential female candidates with the encouragement and resources to run for office do great work in this regard.
When the numbers of women running for office increase, then it'll become more likely that voters will determine a female candidate is the best candidate irrespective of her gender. That's the ideal situation: when people naturally decide that a woman is the best candidate, and not that a candidate is the best because she is a woman.
1:47 p.m.
Oct 27, '11
The question you've forgotten to ask is WHY fewer women run. Not in any way disagreeing about the important work Emerge is doing, but just how long should women have to wait for equity? I could never have run for anything when my kids were young, because I was the primary caretaker and making less than a man with a comparable level of education. Despite being one of the smart kids I was not encouraged - ever - to go to med school or into any other higher paying field of study. I was even told by a college advisor that "your dedication to your children could be a negative factor in advancing (in my field), despite the fact that you are very bright." And, really, Nick, show me where I encourage people to "lazily decide" on a candidate based on a "chromosome." I've tried very hard to express my support for Suzanne without denigrating the other fine candidates in any way, because we are gifted with more than one great choice. But when given the opportunity to vote for a woman who has been an incredibly effective legislator, is intelligent, progressive, and has a great record to fill a seat in Congress (since, surprise! I did encourage people to look at qualifications and positions), I'm going to do it. In your magical world, all those great women are just apparently going to appear in equal numbers to men, somehow, someday, despite the many barriers we still face in the real world. (And BTW, how you go from what I wrote to positing the - false -statement that people were claiming to say Bush and Gore were the same is and somehow make a connection to what I actually wrote is pretty baffling, at best.)
7:37 p.m.
Oct 27, '11
And, really, Nick, show me where I encourage people... go from what I wrote...
Actually Timi I was responding to TA since he, you know, wrote the post. This is the second time that TA has made the argument that the candidates are identical and thus voters should choose Bonamici because she is a woman. Well I reject the premise that they are otherwise the same as being categorically false, be it when people say it about this race, the 2000 Presidential race, or any other, because I do think it's fundamentally lazy. Furthermore I think there are legitimately dangerous consequences to constantly making that assertion when it's not true. These particular candidates may have similar views on a large number of issues, which isn't exactly news for a primary election, but there are other topics where they have differing opinions, as Mel points out. I think choosing a candidate on those differences is far more constructive than saying Bonamici should win because she's a woman. You can try and say "All else equal..." but the simple fact is that all else is not equal. It should also be noted that nowhere did I say that Bonamici is not a good candidate, would not be a good Congressperson, or that people should not vote for her. Like Carla, I actually think that TA does Bonamici a great disservice with this post. I imagine that she would want people to decide that she is clearly the best candidate in the race based on her record and her vision, instead of saying "they're all the same so I'll just vote for the woman."
In your magical world, all those great women are just apparently going to appear in equal numbers to men, somehow, someday, despite the many barriers we still face in the real world.
I don't think they're going to magically appear, I think they already exist, they're just not running for office (or at least in fewer numbers than they should). Also, nowhere did I state that there are no reasons why there are fewer female candidates than men. As you note, there are a variety of factors which lead women who otherwise would be outstanding candidates and officeholders not to run. To me it boils down to a question of do you want to just treat the symptoms, or do you want to actually cure the underlying causes? The bottom line is that when they run women are as equally likely to win as men, there's just fewer running. The solution then is to try to eliminate or at least minimize the barriers and challenges that discourage women from running in the first place. That's why I mention Emerge Oregon as being a great program - because that's what they do. The alternative is to say that voters should start discriminating in favor of women, and maybe that has a more immediate impact, but I don't think it's healthy for our representation in the long term. I don't think either men or women have the right to be categorically more successful than the other simply on account of their gender.
10:36 p.m.
Oct 27, '11
Nick and Timi --
If you're looking for ways to encourage women to run, there is - of course - the approach of finding an excellent woman that you think should run and actually asking her.
A number of formal and informal studies have shown that women who don't run will often say, when asked, "no one asked me to." So, ask. I, for one, do that all the time. (I am, of course, self-interested - as a political consultant.)
But if you're looking for other ways to do so on a macro scale, I would recommend and, along with Emerge and Emily's List.
8:05 p.m.
Oct 27, '11
Vote Saba Ahmed for Congress!
As if Electrical Engineering, Juris Doctorate and MBA degrees don't certify my credentials. Muslim Woman's Voice is desperately needed in Congress, White House and the Supreme Courts.
All of my opponents are well qualified, but they do not have a sustainable competitive advantage to lead Oregon for the next 25+ years in an increasingly Global World. I look forward to helping Oregon get ahead and lead the Economic Upward Spiral. Inshallah (God-willing). Thanks.
Regards, Saba