Eileen Brady: Serious Passion for Portland
Nova Newcomer
"…We can be a lifestyle city, but we have to have an economic engine. Progressives need to embrace it, to take that up as their cause." — Eileen Brady
Eileen Brady for Mayor from Eileen Brady on Vimeo.
In electoral politics, nothing is more exhilarating to the business community than a former executive who is looking for a run for office -- particularly if that candidate is a woman. The problem is that general elections have largely been unkind to these candidates -- Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman a couple of notable, recent examples. Though I have yet to see research data on their campaigns, it is likely their business success helped them in some circles and doomed them in others. Those who may support the idea of more women in executive positions may not have liked the policy proposals of these particular women. And both of these women were running as Republicans and faltered in the general election when faced with Democratic and independent voters.
This spring, Portland got its own version of the exciting private sector executive throwing her hat into the ring of electoral politics. "Real world experience." "Knows what it takes to run a company." "Results." These are the things you typically hear from a political candidate who hails from the business community. The last thing you expect to hear out of that candidate's mouth is: "Progressive Values". Keep Portland Weird, right? (Which much to the chagrin of the uninformed didn't actually start as an ode to clowns on unicycles on stilts -- rather an ode to supporting Portland's small business community.)
And that leads us to this great mysterious candidate, to some a veritable unicorn in progressive politics -- bonafide business chops and a progressive rap sheet that would make an OSPIRG volunteer blush -- Eileen Brady.
I got the chance to sit down with Eileen a few weeks ago and she told me she was spending the summer listening to Portlanders. So, in return, I give you the opportunity to hear from her.
Q: What defines Portland to you?
A: Here's what I love about Portland: It's a network of neighborhoods. It really does have a real vision about creating a livable place that's also family-friendly, really dynamic, creative, entrepreneurial, and committed to an environmental ethic that defines the city. It's a great place to be an innovative thinker and doer….…In Portland, you are allowed to stand up, have a new idea and, however crazy it sounds, it will still be considered - and there's value to that.
Q: How can Portland be at once a land of wonder and livability and still be a place of great need, and what can be done to close that gap?
A: I am a data-driven person. Have you ever heard one of Intel's mantras? "If it matters, measure it." I believe in that. And when I look at the economic data from Seattle, Portland and San Francisco on per capita personal income, it really gives you an insight into what the fundamentals underlying the vibrancy of each city are. Even normalized for the recession, the trend is up for Seattle and San Francisco, and that’s not the case for Portland. Here you see that not only are people having a difficult time finding a good paying job, but because of that you also see a school system that is struggling because it can't be funded adequately, and great non-profits with fantastic visions who are desperate for funding. The need is greater because our incomes are down, and then the services to address those needs are not as resourced as we need them to be because people aren’t in a position to help. And so you get into a downward spiral. The key for me is that I really think Portland is at risk of losing its momentum, its edge and ultimately our talent. The big proposition for me (as Mayor) is addressing that.
Eileen Brady for Mayor from Eileen Brady on Vimeo.
Q: So what does that look like?
A: First of all, I will say that I am spending the summer listening to a lot of people's ideas including, for example, the Round Table on the Black Family that I [attended in June]. Once you begin to listen, you start to hear similar themes. For instance, [they] would say, "Hey Portland, if you are going to recruit businesses to Portland, let's think about matching our workforce’s needs and job skills to our recruitment strategy.” We [also] have a fragmented set of small business support programs. Where is the goal to develop homegrown entrepreneurs? I believe in the people that we have here. Most of our effort should be spent home growing entrepreneurs, home growing small businesses or non-profits or hybrid organizations. We should grow our smaller companies into larger operations that can then develop the jobs and ideas that then develop a whole economy. You can build all the green buildings in the world, you can build all the transit systems in the world, but unless you nurture the innovative talents in those buildings, you don't have a vibrant city. To do that, Portland needs to have more tools in its tool chest. Part of the key to doing this is that is we as a community, not just at City Hall, but the whole city has to be able to say that we can have both a progressive set of values, a real true Portland ethic - and a vibrant economy. Right now, there's a conversation that says you can have one or the other but you can't have both. We need to be able to bust through that….
Q: If you are elected, you will be only the 8th woman on City Council, how can more women at City Hall actually improve outcomes for women in Portland?
A: I am going to generalize a bit here. Women bring an orientation to collaboration and problem-solving. Women are good at having influence without authority. When you really have to bring together a lot of stakeholders and understand what the shared interests are, women are good at understanding that the real power in the room is the people in the room. Can you convene the people in the room and move a conversation from idea to action when you've got so many different interests in the room -- it's a tricky proposition, but women often have those skills. I’ve also always been a real advocate of having a balanced work environment, so you have the opportunity to get more people involved and the diversity of what they bring.
Q: One of the questions out there about your campaign is the lack of a political organization, the whole “not of the ranks" question. So how does your background qualify you to be Portland's Mayor?
A: Number one, being an outsider who has real life experience as an executive in business and non-profits and on boards of for-profits and non-profits is an advantage – it gives you a lot of real world experience that you can bring to the job. So when you say, "you haven't paid your dues," I kind of want to say actually I have been building a resume that proves you can live your values and have real impact in the community at the same time.
Number two, I can do the job. To me it requires a certain set of leadership skills that have to do with creating a vision, prioritizing, sticking to the priorities, budgeting and measuring your impact. That’s what you do in the business world, and it's what I have been doing my entire life. I've got a background in both for-profits and non-profits of bringing unusual stakeholders together for the common good or for a positive action. Look at what I did in healthcare. (Brady has served both on the Oregon Health Fund Board and the Oregon Health Policy Board, appointed by Governor Kulongoski.) You have to have the ability to take a diverse group of stakeholders that don’t necessarily have common interests, bring them together, keep the group focused on a common vision and then hammer out the new solution, the new alternative. That’s a key to being a great leader, and we helped get another 85,000 Oregon kids healthcare doing just that.
Another example would be working with communities to bring together farmers, fishers, ranchers and consumers (Brady refers to New Seasons Market's partnership with local ranchers, farmers and fishers.). What's interesting about that group is that they are not traditionally politically aligned. Some of the stalwart conservative Republican ranchers in the state learned to partner with left-leaning Democrats who think that going to yoga is the same as going to church [a joke they share]. Finding what it is that unites us is the big challenge and the big reward. At some level it's hard for me to see blue and red when we talk about these kinds of issues, because here's a group of theoretically divergent folks who value health, delivering healthy foods, growing them in an environmentally sound way, creating livelihoods and strengthening the regional economy.
...To answer your question - Am I a career politician? No. Do I think that’s an advantage? Yes. Do I think everyone on City Council should be a career politician? No. In the grand Oregon tradition of citizens stepping up to public service…there is value in having citizens having background outside of City Hall on that Council, particularly in leadership positions.
Q: Will Portland have baseball again?
A: Wouldn't that be nice. I think there's been some missed opportunities -- that would be one of them. [As with most baseball fans, the conversation diverged for a few minutes about baseball teams, beautiful stadiums like Wrigley Field, etc. before coming back to Brady's run.]
Q: People love to say Portland's not business-friendly. Is it?
A: I am really fascinated with the question, because I am sitting in these policy or business meetings and sometimes it seems that the solution is always "we need to streamline the permitting process for businesses." I think the answer is more complicated. We need to be able to talk not just about streamlining the permitting process, but also how Portland becomes more welcoming of innovative, private and public and non-profit innovative efforts. If you look at it from a more economic perspective, what are we [progressives] all excited about? Community gardens, cycling, recycling. But that just can't exist by itself. …We can be a lifestyle city, but we have to have an economic engine. Progressives need to embrace it, to take that up as their cause. Our folks need to say, "Economic engine! That's our big revolution right now." And take it up and do it the way we want to do it.
Q: A word for Portland, a word for Eileen.
A: I am going to go with innovative [for Portland]. Passionate, if I have to pick one, that's what people would say about me.
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9:00 a.m.
Jul 20, '11
I'm open-minded about the leading candidates for mayor.
But I'm certainly tired of the "career politician" line and wish Brady would stop using it (while understanding the political reasoning behind it).
In what other line of work would a lack of experience be celebrated, and years of experience be denigrated? Imagine: "I'm not a career doctor" "I'm not a career pilot" "I'm not a career accountant"
I think using the line adds to the lack of respect people have for elected officials and the amazingly hard work they do.
I'm eager to have the discussion continue, and to get some real clarity on differences on policy as well as style.
9:16 a.m.
Jul 20, '11
"In what other line of work would a lack of experience be celebrated, and years of experience be denigrated?"
school administration, Evan. HB 3555 (sponsored by Julie Parrish) would have allowed non-educators to become school administrators because, after all, anyone can run a school. this is in keeping with America's historic mistrust of experts (something too many experts give good cause for; hello Best & Brightest). Americans think each of us can become a millionaire (or, if you are perverse enough, President), and we like to see those "above" us pulled down. so of course, there are jobs out there that don't require specialized knowledge, training & experience. running a school, government, parenting.
personally, i think "career politicians" like Steve Novick & Mary Nolan will bring a lot to the City Council. i would expect an upgrade in effectiveness -- we'll see how (or, i guess i should say, if) that works out.
(thankfully, 3555 died in Senate Ctte. thank you, Mark Hass.)
9:49 a.m.
Jul 20, '11
If "career politician" was used as a derogatory term, then I guess I'd agree; but it's clearly a descriptive term -- is a person's career in politics, or are they bringing a recent non-political experience to the table? Ms. Brady does not say career politicans are a bad, but says that the City Council should not be entirely made up of career politicians. Does anyone really have a hard time agreeing to that?
1:15 p.m.
Jul 20, '11
I don't see how the current (or future) councils could be thought of as being "entirely made up of career politicians."
Fish is a labor and employment attorney with experience in media, who was just recently elected to his second term.
Fritz is anything but a career politician. If Nolan wins, it's true Nolan's been a legislator - but that's a part-time job in Oregon, and it's only ten of her 56 years. She's also a businesswoman and public administrator.
Novick I don't think has held office. He's been an advocate and attorney (and recently a political candidate).
Saltzman, well - he's been in office since 1993 (first at the County).
So maybe I'd agree one or two of four non-mayoral councilors could be thought of as career politicians.
9:06 p.m.
Jul 25, '11
Career Politician is ALWAYS a pejorative. It's no different than "Career Criminal" or "Serial Murderer." I have never seen it written or said as a compliment.
9:58 a.m.
Jul 20, '11
I'm always skeptical of candidates who push the "business man/woman" aspect about themselves because it always implies that government can be run like a business. I don't think that's necessarily the case. One reason is because the incentives facing government are different which can lead government officials to act very "unbusiness-like." Second, what is the metric that they should be measured by? Even if you got a fairly solid metric like per capita income growth, you'd still have trouble distinguishing the effects of government policy had on it. In reality, they'd probably choose a metric that was vague and had little consensus about how to measure it effectively.
Those are just a couple of my concerns. Feel free to agree or disagree.
1:13 p.m.
Jul 20, '11
I believe Eileen has demonstrated that she is able to balance her business acumen with her understanding of how to make successful change within a governmental structure. Eileen has served on two state boards: the Oregon Health Fund Board and the Oregon Health Policy Board, both of which have had measurably successful outputs during her tenure.
I also want to comment on your use of the term "they," as in "they'd probably choose a metric that was vague...". Who is this ambiguous they that you reference? For better or for worse government is us. Have concerns or questions about the kind of metrics Eileen would use as mayor? Then talk to her for yourself. She has been posting a list of events she is attending (including maps of the location) on her website: http://www.eileenformayor.com/events/calendar.
1:51 p.m.
Jul 20, '11
I'm definitely interested in learning more about her role in creating change while on those Boards.
Can you tell us more about her leadership on those Boards? (Not just the results, but how she helped bring them about)?
2:57 p.m.
Jul 20, '11
I used the term "they" because government is not "us." How is it that because we vote for some public officials, the government is somehow us? All forms of government rely on popular support and legitimacy, even dictatorships. Yet, no one would ever argue that King Henry VIII was the people of England, let alone had the same interests.
On a practical level, we don't really participate in the decisionmaking process, so it's not "us" that is making decisions, but, instead, government officials who face different incentives and interests than we might. So, I still hold that "they" would be making these decisions.
9:28 a.m.
Jul 21, '11
Thing about it is, Mike, technically if we wanted to, we could all participate to some extent in the decision making. However it does mean a commitment to attending and speaking at public hearings and participating in the process.
11:19 a.m.
Jul 21, '11
You're right "to some extent" we could participate in decision-making, but it's not the case that "we" are making policy decisions.
10:23 a.m.
Jul 20, '11
It's inappropriate to compare a "data-driven" businesswoman whose values are in sync with her community with the likes of Carlie Fiorina and Meg Whitman, who are ideologically driven people, whose values are out of sync with the people of California. And Carlie Fiorina certainly doesn't have a legacy of business success to build on.
3:42 p.m.
Jul 20, '11
Not to mention that it was hilarious to watch Meg Whitman use her experience at eBay as a reason for electing her -- after saying previously that eBay's software was so well-built that "a monkey could drive this train."
11:43 a.m.
Jul 20, '11
Great post Nova!
1:30 p.m.
Jul 20, '11
The primary issue for me in the race for Mayor (or the city council positions) is whether the candidate supports pushing Portland to become a more international city and making us more reliant on international exports. With 95% of global economic growth taking place outside the US, and with countries like China, India, Brazil, and about twenty other countries growing economically at two or three times the rate of US economic growth, Portland’s best economic strategy for the foreseeable future is to increase our exports and to attract foreign investment. This means continuing and increasing our trade missions. But it also means getting very frank with our school system and telling them to strengthen their foreign language programs with more immersion and high school study abroad programs targeted at potential trading partner. That’s who I want in a mayor: someone serious about our international trade future. I don’t know yet if Brady is that person. But this is an issue that needs her passion.
2:54 p.m.
Jul 20, '11
I think there is a lot of truth in the idea that a city is a combination of seeking a high quality of life and supporting the business aspects which make the quality fo life possible. It is great to have a candidate who seems to understand this.
Wouldn't it be tremendous to learn that Eileen Brady means by her not being a career politician that she will be working for the good of the city and its people and not just her political career. Kind of like the old style peole who ran for office to make things better for everyone and not just their narrow agenda. We have a few of those people around Portland -- hopefully Eileen Brady will be a wonderful addition.
11:28 a.m.
Jul 28, '11
I find Ms. Brady to be a personable and compelling candidate. But (besides agreeing with Evan that political experience is a GOOD thing when applying for political jobs,) I am a unclear about her specific, direct roles and accomplishments as a "private sector executive," which is where she claims to have gained the skills she would use to govern this city. I think her campaign and her promoters need to provide more details about what prior responsibilities and decisions show she could handle the the top job in Portland.