Mayor 2012: Eileen Brady is in.
Kari Chisholm
Today, Eileen Brady made the rumors official - and announced that she's running for Mayor of Portland. She joins Charlie Hales in the race.
Brady was an executive with Nature's and a co-founder of New Seasons and the Chinook Book. She's long been a civic activist, serving as a vice president of Ecotrust and the vice chair of the Oregon Health Board, and on the boards of the Oregon Business Association, Zenger Farms, and more.
From her statement:
I know I can bring that leadership to Portland – I’ve done it before in the private sector, in non-profits, and in public policy. For over twenty-five years I’ve been helping to create new services, new industries, and new opportunities that make our community better - all within a budget and all while maintaining my values.
Those themes also appeared in a column two weeks ago by the O's Steve Duin:
"You can have the greenest vision of a sustainable world," Brady said, "but if you don't manage your costs, stay within your budget and plan for your future, you can't build your dream.
"We need to contain costs. Anyone who sits on a board with me knows those are the first words out of my mouth."
Her website is
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10:10 p.m.
May 31, '11
So excited to see what Eileen can do!
12:07 a.m.
Jun 1, '11
I've heard some rumors about New Seasons Market management not being friendly to unions.
The right to collective bargaining is under assault all over the country.
What's the true story about New Seasons Market policies toward unions?
8:25 a.m.
Jun 1, '11
"I've heard some rumors" ... sounds like the way Fox News creates "stories"
11:11 a.m.
Jun 1, '11
Well... you're supposed to be a progressive. You're supposed to understand a 3 sentence question in it's full proper context.
You're not supposed to be taking a small parts of a question completely out of context like the right wingers do.
12:17 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
Given that isn't what Joanthan did, and that you are simply rumor mongering, I would quite while you're behind.
12:34 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
Mitchell: "...Joanathan...quite while you're behind."
Why are people reacting so defensively to the question "What's the true story about New Seasons Market policies toward unions?"
4:35 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
Because it is gutter level rumor mongering.
5:38 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
No Sharron Angle walkaways from tough question from journalists and their cameramen are going allowed in this race.
Fact. Eileen Brady is going to have questions about New Seasons Market's policies toward unions?
Throw all the personal insults and tantrums you like. Brady is going answer the question what New Seasons Market's policies toward unions and why.
9:12 a.m.
Jun 2, '11
Not a personal insult, just an accurate statement of you trolling.
1:11 p.m.
Jun 3, '11
Somebody is in dire need of making an apology. You completely lost your mind on this thread, Mitchell.
See Steve Rawley's post below
11:54 p.m.
Jun 3, '11
Read it. And as I said there is no there there. Specious innuendo and rumor-mongering just as I said.
12:45 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
There's the image file of the Portland Alliance newpaper article that was in Steve Rawley's post.
You're wrong. The Portland Alliance newspaper article proves you're wrong.
1:16 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
And don't try to pretend you can't process Eilleen Brady and her husband Brian Rohter worked together as management in the upmarket gourmet/natural supermarket business chain Natures. Rohter and Brady were part of a fight to keep unions out of Natures. Then both Brady and Rohter left Natures and started another chain of upmarket gourmet/natural supermarkets this time called New Seasons Market. Rohter and Brady's new chain New Seasons workers are non-union.
7:26 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
As I said. I had already read it. My comments still stand.
1:05 p.m.
Jun 2, '11
Mitchell and Johnathan,
Both of you are doing a good imitation of 'douche' right now. I think Adam's question is a fair one.
He may not know about New Seasons labor practices as I do not either. If he heard in conversation somewhere that they are unfriendly to unions then it is right for him to seek wisdom from people who might know more than he.
You two, instead of being dickheads, should have told him what you know of New Seasons labor practices. Are they in fact unfriendly to unions? Or is this indeed some smear? Clear things up rather than muddying the waters with defensive hyperbole.
6:27 a.m.
Jun 1, '11
I know nothing of rumors regarding the company stance on collective bargaining, but their website lists benefits far above the norm for both full time and part time grocery workers.
11:05 a.m.
Jun 1, '11
They are sure are not far above norm for UFCW grocery workers at Fred Meyers, Safeway, Alberson's, etc.
They are the standard buck or two above minimum wage you see in grocery stores in right to work states
Not to mention none of the union job protections union workers get.
11:20 a.m.
Jun 1, '11
Could you please list New Seasons benefits against UFCW workers at Safeway, Fred Meyers, etc.?
11:47 a.m.
Jun 1, '11
From Fred Meyers (owned by Krogers now)
As a Fred Meyer Associate, you’ll earn a competitive salary plus the opportunity for benefits:
I had to take off the Safeway list. Too many characters. Here's the link...
From New Seasons...
Here's a sampling of some of the benefits that come with working here:
12:20 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
I think that Brady brings strong credentials in progressive policy and business development, both of which are key to Portland's success.
12:43 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
An anti-union activist mayor would not be "Progressive" in any way shape or form. Wisconsin just got an anti-union activist Governor sprung on them. Look at the damage Scott Walker has caused in Wisconsin in just 6 months.
We're aware of this attack on our unions now. There will be be no anti-union activist anything snuck in anywhere in Oregon.
4:37 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
To claim that Brady or New Seasons is "anti-union" is gutter level rumor mongering.
5:33 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
No Sharron Angle walkaways from tough question from journalists and their cameramen are going allowed in this race.
Fact. Eileen Brady is going to have questions about New Seasons Market's policies toward unions?
Throw all the personal insults and tantrums you like. Brady is going answer the question what New Seasons Market's policies toward unions and why.
9:14 a.m.
Jun 2, '11
Not throwing tantrums. Just accurately describing your tactics for what they are.
8:12 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
Are you illiterate now?
Are you incapable of understanding when a writer gets quotes from three different supporting witnesses in his newpaper article... you CANNOT call the article unsubstantiated?!?!
1:14 p.m.
Jun 2, '11
I just spent a few sentences up-thread defending your right to ask a fair question. But now you have jumped from fair question to accusing her of being an anti-union activist. What evidence do you have?
Has anyone ever tried to unionize at New Seasons? The only thing I've ever heard, labor-wise, about the store is that people love to work there. Just because they may or may not pay equal wages and bennies to Fred Meyer does not make them anti-union.
2:10 p.m.
Jun 2, '11
And therein lies why I was challenging the rumor-mongering Adam was engaging in. There is no there, there about New Seasons being "anti-union". These rumors started from an anonymous article posted on indymedia several years ago from a disgruntled former employee.
1:17 p.m.
Jun 3, '11
See Steve Rawley's post below.
You absolutely lost your freakin' mind on this thread, Mitchell. You are in dire need of making the most contrite of apologies.
11:57 p.m.
Jun 3, '11
Read it and just what I said. There is no there there. Rumor-mongering innuendo from a disgruntled former employee of another company does not do anything to buttress the unsupported rumor-mongering claims you are making.
12:46 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
Jun 4
There's the image file of the Portland Alliance newpaper article that was in Steve Rawley's post.
You're wrong. The Portland Alliance newspaper article proves you're wrong.
7:27 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
Spamming the thread does not bolster your arguments. My comments still stand.
8:11 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
Are you illiterate now?
Are you incapable of understanding when a writer gets quotes from three different supporting witnesses in his newpaper article... you CANNOT call the article unsubstantiated?!?!
1:45 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
@Adam F. Smith: I don't know why New Seasons isn't organized, but I do think it's a leap to put her in with a rightwing ideologue such as Scott Walker.
I do very much like New Seasons' sustainability program and think the city needs to emphasize that even more than they currently do. Mr. Hales likely would be good on that, too.
2:52 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
Everything about her is unknown except some actions that may show to be against unions in her business. That's not the place someone gets to start their political career in a progressive city like Portland. Mayor is not an entry level position.
4:38 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
Funny, unions are torn between Adams and Brady already over who they might back.
Your fraudulent rumor-monger is a non-starter.
5:17 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
What are you being so defensive about, Mitchell?
Brady isn't running to be mayor of Wasilla Alaska. Portland Oregon is major US city. As I said above, the Portland mayor's job is not an entry level position
Brady is going to have to answer tough questions. Every single day. No Sharron Angle walkaways from journalists and cameramen allowed.
9:19 a.m.
Jun 2, '11
More lame attempts at personal invective (projection?)
You keep trying to equate Elleb Brady with lunatic fringe candidate Sharon Anfle, which is like comparing apples to ball-bearings. While rumor-mongering and hyperbolic innuendo which is simply not born out unreality.
I also note you refuse to actually address the point that I raised in the comment you are replying too, that we have public statements from unions saying they are torn between backing Adams as they have in the past and Brady, whom they like as well.
That certainly brings into question the validity of the rumor-mongering smears you are trying to inject into this thread (and race).
2:12 p.m.
Jun 2, '11
My apologies in some of the odd wording there. Still getting used to posting on my new iPad with autocorrect.
1:18 p.m.
Jun 3, '11
See Steve Rawley's post below
12:00 a.m.
Jun 4, '11
I did. And you still fail to address any of the questions I put to you and as I noted upthread, the comment and linked article you site as rebutting my points do no such thing. In fact it affirms my point that this entire rumor-mongering is fact-less.
12:46 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
Jun 4
There's the image file of the Portland Alliance newpaper article that was in Steve Rawley's post.
You're wrong. The Portland Alliance newspaper article proves you're wrong.
7:32 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
8:13 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
Are you illiterate now?
Are you incapable of understanding when a writer gets quotes from three different supporting witnesses in his newpaper article... you CANNOT call the article unsubstantiated?!?!
4:41 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
BTW, are you saying Bud Clark should never have been elected?
5:19 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
Different era.
Nobody had heard of the "shock doctrine" then.
9:15 a.m.
Jun 2, '11
Nice spin, "it was a different era", comically lame dodge.
6:12 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
Maybe Lars Larson will join you defending Eileen Brady Monday?
7:31 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
And maybe gadlys railing against math and science education programs in Portland Public Schools because the money comes from Federal DoD dollars will be a single unsustbatiated Roy er-mongering campiagn. Which spring up suddenly when Brady's name first came up as a possible candidate for city or Federal office a few years back.
Oh wait... that's already happened.
8:12 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
Are you illiterate now?
Are you incapable of understanding when a writer gets quotes from three different supporting witnesses in his newpaper article... you CANNOT call the article unsubstantiated?!?!
8:11 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
Could you provide some evidence that Brady is anti-union other then New Seasons not being a union workplace?
11:47 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
Eileen Brady is one of the co-founders of the New Season Markets.
There's not a whole lot else known about Eileen Brady other than her role as a New Seasons Markets co-founder.
9:21 a.m.
Jun 2, '11
Care to actually address Rafael's reasonable question?
1:23 p.m.
Jun 3, '11
See Steve Rawley's post below.
12:01 a.m.
Jun 4, '11
Which isn't even about New Season. Now care to actually address the questions?
12:47 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
Jun 4
There's the image file of the Portland Alliance newpaper article that was in Steve Rawley's post.
You're wrong. The Portland Alliance newspaper article proves you're wrong.
8:35 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
Adam, you seem to have moved very quickly from "I've heard some rumors about New Seasons Market management not being friendly to unions" to calling Eileen Brady "an anti-union activist mayor".
If you've got facts, let's hear 'em. If all you've got is questions, that's OK, but let's leave 'em as questions to be answered.
When a candidate is touting business experience as a reason to be elected, it's perfectly reasonable to ask questions about their business practices.
But we're one day into her candidacy. You started out posing a reasonable question (albeit posed rather awkwardly as "rumors"). There will be time for answers; you're right about that.
But let's not leap to conclusions about the candidate because you didn't get an answer on the first day.
11:26 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
No, I don't believe I said that. I think if you double check, you'll see I responded "An anti-union activist mayor would not be "Progressive" in any way shape or form..." and then brought up Scott Walker in Wisconsin.
I've been following the mess in Wisconsin pretty closely. Scott Walker is just plain scary. We got to be much more cautious about who we allow into positions of authority.
9:25 a.m.
Jun 2, '11
Having a mayor that kicks kittens would be bad, why won't Brady answer questions about New Seasons' policies over kitten kicking?
Pathetic weaselly dodge.
Man up and at least own the innuendo attacks you are attempting to use.
1:28 p.m.
Jun 3, '11
How about you "man up" and admit you completely lost your mind on this thread.
You need to get to work on that apology, Mitchell. A one word "sorry" the bottom of the thread two weeks from now isn't going to do it this time.
12:04 a.m.
Jun 4, '11
Not apologizing for anything given that the post and link you think buttress your rumor-mongering is not even about New Season but another company and based on the unsupported claims of a former employee of a different company.
12:47 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
Jun 4
There's the image file of the Portland Alliance newpaper article that was in Steve Rawley's post.
You're wrong. The Portland Alliance newspaper article proves you're wrong.
9:48 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
Adam, My friend who works at New Seasons says that it is a great place to work. He loves it. Lots of autonomy as a worker. Hard to characterize the value of that. But it is worth a lot. According to the social psychology studies I have been reading lately once a living wage is reached it is the key element of job satisfaction. Wish I had had it in my union workplaces.
11:06 p.m.
Jun 1, '11
I know almost nothing about Brady but I'm worried about the entry-level issue myself. Mayor of Portland is not a ceremonial position. I love Sho Dozono and all the great work he's done but after listening to him answer questions a couple of times during the last campaign, it was clear to me he didn't have a clue about running Portland city government.
What I want to know from any candidate for mayor or city council is what they know about what the city does, how the city works and what the issues are. Some concrete proposals about improving things is good. Playing well enough with others so you have a prayer of getting some of those ideas implemented is also good.
9:01 a.m.
Jun 2, '11
Maybe one of the regular contributors could do a post asking what everyone feels Portland should be looking for in a mayor and what questons they would ask all the mayoral candidates?
As for Brady, I'm glad to see anyone and everyone in the race at this point--you know, Democracy at work and all that. All I know of her is the New Seasons gig, but I know New Seasons employees who are happy with where they work and the pay, benefits and responsbilities that they receive. I don't know if New Seasons is anti-union or not but if they are I'm sure it will come out during the campaign season.
10:23 a.m.
Jun 3, '11
There may not be any direct evidence that Eileen Brady is anti-union, but her hubby sure was back when I was organizing staff at Nature's in the 90s. Here's a recap, if you're interested.
And lest you be fooled by claims of happy workers and "good" pay and benefits, let's please remind ourselves that fair compensation is just one aspect of what a decent union contract brings. (To be sure, happy New Seasons workers are, indeed, happy. That doesn't mean there aren't some who are arbitrarily disciplined, fired, passed over for raises or promotions, etc.)
Equally (or more) important to pay and benefits are protections for seniority, an independent grievance process, protections against discrimination, etc. Not to mention a little something called democracy. These things cannot be provided by paternalistic management, no matter how "progressive" they claim to be.
1:22 p.m.
Jun 3, '11
Thanks Steve.
That's roughly what I remember hearing from more than a couple people
2:48 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
Mr. Smith, I rarely come to the defense of others here as we all are above the age of consent. However, your ceaseless and senseless attacks are doing more to turn off people than you are winning over. If you have nothing better than a 1-sided first person narrative, please give it up. An expensive, failed recognition effort from a different store about 15 years ago has little to do with the person who put her name up as a candidate for mayor. Please stop with the innuendo and rumor mongering.
5:53 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
The "failed recognition effort from a different store about 15 years ago" failed because it was stonewalled by Eileen Brady's husband and business partner. It's relevant to the actual topic at hand because it's a rare hint at how Mrs. Eileen Brady may feel about unions.
The whole "we're different" vibe still prevails at New Seasons, from what I've gleaned talking to staff.
You may have a bone to pick with Adam; I want no truck with that.
The tone here is so frickin' middle school.
Hard to believe the basic tenets of organized labor have to be explained to Democrats here, but I guess that's how the country's going. Sad.
7:50 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
The tenets of organized labor are not needed to be explained here. That you arrogate that it does is, to borrow a phrase, chtuzpah writ large.
We get it, you are a union agitator whose organizing efforts were not successful 15 years ago and you have had a bone to pick ever since. That you are the singular source of the anti-union claims against Eileen Brady, and you claim you were being hostily interrogated in a dank back room, and had a gag order against does not mean that others on a progressive site, frequented mainly by Democrats are in need of having the tenets of organized labor explained to them.
8:16 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
Are you illiterate now?
Are you incapable of understanding when a writer gets quotes from three different supporting witnesses in his newpaper article... you CANNOT say an article has a single source or call the article unsubstantiated?!?!
8:05 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
FWIW, I do think that your heart and efforts are in the right place on a general level as far as broader policy goals.
I simply posit that the target of your efforts and some of the us vs. "them" mindset which seems rife in much of what you agitate for online is counter-productive.
I'd be willing to chalk it up to some ofthelimiting nature of this medium where overly broad and pointed rhetoric is all to easy to make. I am aware am not innocent of it at times, and certainly have come across as insufferable to some as a result.
5:58 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
I don't think you're being honest, Kurt.
"Kurt Chapman (unverified) 9:30 p.m. Mar 29
"Normally I don't respond to idiots..."
I think you're you're here a lot, kurt. There were 4 other comments from you here at Blue Oregon on just the first google search page. I didn't even look at page 2.
6:19 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
Commenting on Blueoregon and responding to an idiot are not always the same thing, there are smart people who write smart things on this blog.
7:53 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
So are you saying that Kurt is not being honest and that he does respond to idiots?
Ok, I guess you won that point.
8:21 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
How has Keri Chapman tolerated your nasty attitude around Blue Oregon for so long? You've been hanging around here for years and you haven't one little bit.
6:10 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
Her husband was one of the central figures in the anti-union activity at Natures before, and her husband is now the guy in charge the guy in charge of the biggest non-union supermarket chain in town. That's a coincidence, huh?
Maybe Lars Larson will join you defending Eileen Brady Monday morning.
7:39 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
Reading for comprehension. As Kurt Chapman aptly pointed out, an unsubstantiated first person story (which is the only source) from a disgruntled former employee about events 15 years ago in another company, being the foundation for the hyperbolic claims which are being made here by you and the self-same "source" for the rumor-mongering campaign, is doing your arguments any favors. Nor are they helping the advancement of unions.
8:25 p.m.
Jun 4, '11
Are you illiterate now?
Are you incapable of understanding when a writer gets quotes from three different supporting witnesses in his newpaper article... you CANNOT say an article has a single source or call the article unsubstantiated?!?!
8:05 a.m.
Jun 7, '11
Excellent recap, Mr. Rawley. Nothing like the personal truth and experience to tell us about this newest mayoral candidate, and where she may be coming from. We will do more research on our own. And think twice about shopping at New Seasons?