Barker calling it quits. Who jumps in?
T.A. Barnhart

Rep Jeff Barker, HD 28
Not a big secret in Salem, but I'm not seeing any reports online: Jeff Barker won't be seeking re-election.
The 5-term Dem (HD 28, Aloha) is hanging 'em up after 2012, leaving the Dems to hold onto his seat with a fresh body — or the GOP to take that seat with their own noob. I've heard a few names bandied about, but I'm not going to offer anyone here.
I'll leave that to the comments. I will note, however: Democratic National Committeewoman & former Chair of the Washington County Dems Lupita Maurer lives in the district. Which, of course, has not been redrawn yet for 2012, so the speculations are extra-speculatey.
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connect with blueoregon
5:35 p.m.
May 24, '11
DNC Committeewoman Lupita Maurer lives in HD 26.
6:49 p.m.
May 24, '11
9:05 p.m.
May 24, '11
I don't think any of the available maps moves her out of 26. Matt Winger must have put a special marker on her house.
9:05 p.m.
May 24, '11
Wingard, Wing-gard, not Winger
10:48 p.m.
May 24, '11
I live in 28, I'm an elected Democratic PCP and the House District Leader. All will be revealed in due time...
8:53 a.m.
May 25, '11
That's my hood, I'm hoping we get someone that supports tuition equity.
10:29 p.m.
May 25, '11
Dr. Huma Pierce would be a superb legislator and she lives over there!
8:28 a.m.
May 26, '11
Appreciate your comments.
7:18 a.m.
May 26, '11
Agree about Huma, although Map 1 (the Dems map) moves Huma (and Jason) into HD 27....
8:28 a.m.
May 26, '11
Appreciate you comments too Ron.
8:27 a.m.
May 26, '11
Actually, the current map does move her into the edge of 28. She is currently committed to John Kroger's Campaign.
12:04 p.m.
May 26, '11
huh? he's not running for the Oregon House
8:41 a.m.
May 26, '11
Her being Lupita.