Marriage 2012?
Karol Collymore
In 2004, I was canvassing in inner Northeast Portland for John Kerry. It was a lovely fall day and I was participating in my democratic duty - waking up voters on a Saturday morning and reminding them to vote. After a few hours, my friend and I were done with our turf and were searching for donuts. We came upon the intersection of Fremont and Martin Luther King Avenue and saw what proved to be my own Oprah-style a "Aha" moment: A family, holding either end of a gigantic sign that said "One Man, One Woman," shouting, asking us to honk in support. To remind you, this was the slogan for the Yes on 36 campaign that made it up to Oregon voters whether marriage discrimination based on sexual orientation could be added to the constitution.
Why was it an "Aha" moment? Well, it wasn't because I didn't already support equality, I did. It was just that until that day, I didn't realize that voting is different than vocalizing - loudly - my support. It became a priority for me to be a straight woman who supported the right to marry. Measure 36 did not go the way I wanted and I knew then that I would have to do more than support equal marriage rights, I had to talk about it, volunteer, do whatever I could to make sure it happened.
In the last seven years, Basic Rights Oregon and allied organizations have made incredible strides to share the message that marriage equality is important for an inclusive community. We are coming upon an election year and 2012 could be the year to repair the damage done by Measure 36. We won't know for sure until after this summer, but if this commercial from Basic Rights Oregon are any indication of what's to come, we could be on our way.
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8:09 p.m.
Mar 29, '11
Welcome back, Karol! We've missed you here!
9:27 p.m.
Mar 29, '11
J'adore, Karol!
11:16 p.m.
Mar 29, '11
My hat's off to all of these couples, but especially the two men who have been together for 57 years. That's an amazing feat for anyone, and I can't imagine they had a lot of community support in 1954.
7:48 a.m.
Mar 30, '11
Support for gay marriage has climbed significantly as the broader community has gotten to know gay couples. This campaign is trying to send the message that "rights" are not enough. Love and commitment are what it is about.
8:10 a.m.
Mar 30, '11
Welcome back, my blogging sister. Can't think of a better topic to renew your place here with us.
10:46 a.m.
Mar 31, '11
Thanks for a great post Karol - always thoughtful and inspiring!
We're getting a great response to this ad campaign.