Quick Hits: Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics
Kari Chisholm
After the long weekend, here's a rundown of news items you may have missed. Dive in and discuss:
- Dear Portland Business Alliance, stop trash-talking Portland business. And stop making up numbers when you do. That's the essential message of an op-ed in Sunday's Oregonian by five prominent academics and economists. Their complaints? First, that the PBA cherrypicked the timeframe of their study that suggested Portland was on par with Cleveland or Pittsburgh (rather than Seattle or Denver). Second, that they compared counties - rather than metro areas - which makes comparisons unreliable. And third, their analysis was just plain wrong:
Still, even the claim that Multnomah County is facing a unique jobs crisis is not just misleading, it's simply wrong. Over the last economic cycle, Multnomah County has experienced fewer job losses than the comparable counties in Denver and Minneapolis, and about the same decline as in Seattle. Portland's central business district has, by a wide margin, the lowest vacancy rate of the four cities.
Susan Nielsen had a powerful commentary, urging the Legislature to end the double-standard on parental responsibility in faith-healing cases. I've been encouraged by the recent prosecutions of parents who refuse medical treatment for their children -- but Nielsen is right: Oregon law needs to be absolutely clear. It's good to see bipartisan support (from Rep. Carolyn Tomei, a Democrat, and Sen. Bruce Starr, a Republican) on this issue. (My view: If you want to refuse medical treatment for yourself as an adult, go right ahead. But children have human rights, too - and parental rights stop where the child's right to life-saving medical care begins.)
Speaking of the Sunday editorials, did anyone else find it odd that the Oregonian buried 'em behind the obits page in the Metro section - rather than in a stand-alone "Opinion" section, as they typically do? (Another step in the strange downward slide of the Oregonian's opinion of its own editorials, I think. I've long wondered why the daily editorials are in Metro, instead of the front news section - where most major dailies put 'em.)
Senator Jeff Merkley is standing up for consumers - and asking the FCC to think carefully before approving the Comcast/NBC merger. In particular, he notes that the merger would make Comcast both a pipeline to the net and a major content provider - giving them a conflict of interest that would harm net neutrality.
No, there's no hard evidence to suggest that Portland is a major hub for child sex trafficking. That's the important message of an analysis by the O's Nikole Hannah-Jones. Of course, as Senator Ron Wyden noted Friday, no matter what the stats show, there's critical work to be done. That said, it's good to know that the "Portland is America's sex-trafficking capital" line is as much BS as is "Portland has the most strip-clubs per capita" (which is utter nonsense - there are at least four cities in Oregon that are higher, not to mention others around the country.) The best bit of hilarity from the O story? That Diane Sawyer reported on CBS News that there are 100 strip clubs on 82nd Avenue alone. Seriously. (That would mean one every 128 yards from Killingsworth to Johnson Creek. Yeah.)
And finally, for the most boring - but perhaps most useful - item today: The Statesman-Journal's Peter Wong has a great summary of the major points you need to know about the state budget. Just the basics, but enough to give you a clear sense of the challenge before us. For example:
In rough proportions in the current cycle, 52 percent goes to education. The largest chunk, 40 percent of the overall total, goes to aid to school districts. Of the rest, about 25 percent goes to health care and human services — most of it to match federal grants, and much of it to pay doctors, hospitals and community agencies — 17 percent to public safety and the courts, and the rest to all other agencies.
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9:52 a.m.
Jan 18, '11
A good start would be to stop using the shorthand, "faith-healing" since the problem is that "healing" isn't happening. How about,"These parents attempted to treat their child's illness with prayer and ritual, denying access to medical treatment despite the child's suffering and worsening condition." Parenthood is not ownership. We don't excuse beating a child based on religious belief, and we shouldn't excuse making a child suffer and die through disease either.
10:52 a.m.
Jan 18, '11
We MUST stop tolerating religious stupidity. No more special privileges for "believers." How many more children should suffer/die in the name of popular superstition?
5:11 p.m.
Jan 18, '11
Should parents who fail to vaccinate their kids because of autism fears be prosecuted if their children get sick? There is no scientific connection between vaccines and autism, ergo the parents are acting on “faith”. How is that different from faith healing?
On the flip side, should parents who fail to provide access to medical care for economic reasons face criminal sanctions? How are the consequences of their neglect worse than the faith healers? (I don’t know the law, would they face charges?)
I’m not trying to second guess any particular law or prosecution. I just think parents necessarily make a lot of choices every day that affect their child’s welfare and safety, often with incomplete information, unpredictable outcomes and limited resources. Criminalizing some of those decisions may be necessary, but I’d do it with reluctance, not enthusiasm.
5:36 p.m.
Jan 18, '11
We're talking about actions/inactions that would be classified as abuse or neglect absent the "faith" exemption.
7:26 p.m.
Jan 18, '11
Are parents who fail to provide medical care because they can't afford it subject to criminal prosecution? That isn't a rhetorical question, I don't know the law or how it's been applied one way or the other.
And if this is really just about protecting children, shouldn't we criminalize failing to vaccinate?
9:52 p.m.
Jan 18, '11
I don't know what "can't afford it" means in a state that offers health care to 100% of children whose parents can't afford it.
At a minimum, emergency rooms have always served as health care of last resort options. If you kid was critically ill and you failed to take him/her to the emergency room, well, yeah, I suspect you'd be prosecuted for neglect.
5:37 p.m.
Jan 18, '11
I am always enthusiastic about protecting children and advocating reason.
12:42 p.m.
Jan 18, '11
Yes, "faith healing" does seem to be inaccurate. No more accurate than "witch doctor", I think.
12:23 p.m.
Jan 18, '11
I live just off of 82nd Avenue. When I heard that "100 strip clubs" statistic, I thought "where?" I think there's a place by the McDonald's near Fremont. There used to be some retail porno shops a while back, but I think the Internet pretty much killed off that industry. I think "82nd Avenue" I think bars, convenience stores, fast food restaurants, one-star hotels and used car lots.
Maybe there are 100 strips clubs in the entire City of Portland, but if they're all on 82nd Avenue, most of them a VERY well-hidden.
12:41 p.m.
Jan 18, '11
Most reports I've seen put the count at between 50 to 70 - regionwide.
I doubt that there are 100 strip clubs statewide.
12:34 p.m.
Jan 18, '11
Agreed about the "faith" healing nonsense. Kids shouldn't die because they happened to be born into a family that believes that medicine is evil.
Also, Kari, I agree that the O's decision to lose the Opinion section in the Sunday paper is more than a bit odd. I've been gone for a month and wondered just when that change happened...and why. Hope they switch back as it is very annoying to not have it's own section.
12:35 p.m.
Jan 18, '11
The op-ed savaging PBA's cavalier disregard for accuracy and misleading use of data was indeed amazing.
10:13 p.m.
Jan 18, '11
I've been to both Cleveland and Pittsburgh in the early 80's through the 90's. I've crossed the Columbia at Portland more times than can be counted; Portland is no Pittsburgh or Cleveland. And that is too bad - really.
Pittsburgh turned around their hulking mess at the Homestead Works and reinvigorated the whole community. Cleveland took the Cuyahoga Flats area (yes, THAT river that caught on fire) and turned it into a reginal destination with tourist attractions and the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame museum.
Yes, Pittsburgh and Cleveland turned their cities around and faced that the inevitable status quo was unacceptable. They admitted to mistakes and mis-steps and chartered a new course. Too bad uber kewl hipsters in Portland are incapable of seeing the demise of the never great, but always promising city of Portland. It is too bad; really.
1:53 a.m.
Jan 19, '11
Yes, I left out a parenthetical note from my first draft. I was in Pittsburgh two summers ago -- and it's a town that's really come back. Lots of focus on green building, a vibrant downtown core, and great people. (And great sports - wow!)
8:38 a.m.
Jan 20, '11
I appreciated the corrections in the Sunday OpEd, but I thought their article had a heavy dose of boosterism.
Their main storyline was "We aren't Cleveland," but their statistics also demonstrate that we also aren't Raleigh/Durham, Salt Lake City, Austin, even Denver, where they explicitly compare us, but who we have consistently trailed in employment.
Yes we have experienced "fewer job losses" than Denver, but we started with fewer jobs in the first place! As they write, make sure you evaluate statistics carefully.
Joe Cortright has been telling us for a decade that if we just attract young, well educated in-migrants, our economy will take off. Well guess what, it hasn't worked?
At least their article is candid about that point, which they call the "Portland paradox."
Yet they also write "Creating successful firms is part of Portland's DNA" which is completely contradicted by their discussion of the "paradox."
My worry is that the O article incessantly focuses on what makes Portland special, while dismissing the idea that we could learn lessons from other cities and other regions.
9:03 a.m.
Jan 20, '11
The main lesson we could learn from those cities - and many others - is that a top-tier research university in the metro area is a key driver of economic growth.
Given that UO and OSU ain't moving, and OHSU won't add undergraduates, it seems to me that a sustained multi-billion dollar effort to make PSU the premier university in our state is what's called for here.
Do we want to be more like Seattle, Denver, and Minneapolis? Or more like Fresno, Boise, and Reno?
10:58 a.m.
Jan 19, '11
Doesn't it sort of give Portland the edge, when those other cities had to bring themselves up to the level that P-Town is already at? We began to address our flaming river 50 years ago, not 25. We fixed our downtown 35 years ago, not 10. Great news they did--but no credit for being late.
12:06 p.m.
Jan 20, '11
There was a notice in last week's O that the opinion section was going away. I was a bit upset at first, but it seemed OK on Sunday. The main issue is pages, not what section it's in. I am really unhappy about the reduced commentary. Theres little teasers pointing to interesting columns and discussion topic that are only on line Too much stuff is web only now, and frankly it's hard to find and hard to read. Plus the O has probably the suckiest web site in the industry. Or maybe I'm just turning into an old grouch.