Measures: Annual sessions, prisons, and parks (but not casinos or marijuana)
Kari Chisholm
Here's the latest on ballot measures.
Looks like we're going to have annual legislative sessions, as Measure 71 passed handily - 67 to 33.
Kevin Mannix's crime measure passed (M73), 57-43. Now remember, kids, no more taking naked pictures of yourself and texting 'em to your sweetie -- that's prison time we're talking about!
Medical marijuana rules remain unchanged, as M74 went down 57-43. I gotta think that a less complicated measure would win out, though straight-up legalization failed in California.
The casino measure (75) lost, which wasn't a surprise. Most observers expected a massive multi-million dollar advertising campaign - a campaign that never materialized. We'll see if it's sponsors return to try again.
Oregon voters spoke up loud and clear with a 69% vote to dedicate lottery funds to wildlife and watershed protection and state parks.
Also passing: veterans home loans (70) and state bonding authority (72).
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10:04 a.m.
Nov 3, '10
Full disclosure: I consulted for the Yes on 75 campaign. I speak only for myself.
10:04 a.m.
Nov 3, '10
Too bad about the marijuana thing , I don't need pot at this point in my life, and I don' t know if it even works for pain or not, but as I get older and more things are wrong with me , such as sciatica and my hip going out of the joint from time to time causing horrible pain , I might want to try it later. It would be nice to be able to go to a pharmacy or non profit and buy it , if I did need it .
12:03 p.m.
Nov 3, '10
Kari, were you just consulted or did you actually support measure 75? If you did support it, why?