Crying "uncle"!
Carla Axtman
Open letter the Weather Gods:
I consider myself a relatively hearty Oregonian when it comes to wet weather. But you are really testing my patience..
Are you kidding me with this?
Since midnight, .58 inches of rain had fallen at the airport, breaking the old record of .46 inches set back on this date in 1962.
Other records that fell include Salem, with .73 inches; Eugene with .64 inches; Hood River, with .52 inches; and McMinnville, with .48 inches.
Portland broke its April rain record this year. I haven't seen the totals for May yet, but we have to be close to a record, if not in accumulated inches, then the number of rainy days.
My mojo needs some sunshine. And you keep teasing me with forecasts that promise sun, only to pull the rug out from under me with your storm clouds.
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connect with blueoregon
1:50 p.m.
Jun 2, '10
On KGW the other night, Matt Zaffino said May 2010 was the 3rd wettest on record for Portland. It's also been 15 years since the city hasn't seen 80 degrees in May. We've had cloud cover over here in Central Oregon for like three weeks straight - which is a complete anomaly.
2:20 p.m.
Jun 2, '10
Carla, there's not a lot you write that I agree with, but this post reaches my heart and soul.
8:49 a.m.
Jun 3, '10
Whereas I usually agree with Carla, but this time...she's all wet. ;-)
Am I really the only one who likes the rain? Remember, no rain, no green.
2:38 p.m.
Jun 2, '10
Salem has had 2 hours of solid downpour since that figure was given.
2:50 p.m.
Jun 2, '10
I was about to play the Matt Z card, but Jason beat me to it. I see he has the corner on the meteorological market.
Lest we make the mistake of confusing weather for climate, though, I hasten to point out that we're still slightly below average for the water year in Portland.
3:32 p.m.
Jun 2, '10
I wonder how many people will blame this rain on global warming?
6:48 p.m.
Jun 2, '10
I'm more than happy to blame increasing extreme weather events (record rains, record heat, record cold, etc.) on climate change.
See for the EPA and IPCC's take on extreme events.
6:51 p.m.
Jun 2, '10
Matt, i'm pretty sure you're purposely ignoring that it's not "global warming" (the inaccurate early phrase) but "global climate change". there is warming going on, of course, but the result if far greater than merely heating of the atmosphere, oceans, etc. weather patterns are changing as a result, which means this may become our norm for a while. if you think "warming" is the lone problem with which to be concerned, you better learn yourself some science. once you knock a natural system out-of-whack, as 300 years of carbon-based industrialization has done, a lot of things are going to react. and the cumulative outcome may not be good for the human race.
11:04 p.m.
Jun 2, '10
I remember when I was a kid, the saying went "It won't be dry till the 4th of July"
I planted 70 tomato plants yesterday and didn't bother watering. I knew it was going to start raining last night and it did that and then some.
8:36 p.m.
Jun 2, '10
I still think it's a mistake to look at the weather we're having right now as evidence of larger patterns. In the past decades during which we've kept records, we also had anomalous months. Sometimes weather's just weird.
Now all those melting glaciers and ice caps and so on, that's another matter.
6:26 a.m.
Jun 3, '10
The weather and the economy are getting people down...can't fix the weather, but can at least laugh about the economy ( this evening.
5:42 p.m.
Jun 3, '10
What's really worrisome is the new satellite photo that they're showing on the news. The trail of moisture that is causing this goes from Alaska, down the coast to Oregon, and then across the Pacific almost to Vietnam.
Which means there's no end in sight for this rain as of yet.
7:55 p.m.
Jun 3, '10
Carla, Carla, Carla.
Have I not told you? No tomatoes before May 15, and given the weather pattern, mine are still under lights.
No basil until Father's Day.
On the other hand, my potatoes, beans, and garlic are going crazy.