Washington Businesses Stampede to Oregon
Steve Novick
632 Washington business owners announced today that they were moving their businesses across the river to Oregon, after the Washington Legislature announced plans to increase the Business and Occupation Tax - in effect, a gross receipts tax - on service businesses from 1.5% to 1.8% in order to balance the state budget.
"Many of us started thinking about making this move a few months ago, when we started reading about the Measures 66 and 67 campaign and discovered that Oregon was planning to adopt an alternative minimum tax that looked sort of like the B&O tax, but was only 0.1% or a flat $150," said Vancouver dermatologist Jim Dunning. "We had no idea that before this, Oregon had nothing like the B&O tax at all. Now that Washington's raising the B&O tax even higher, we'd be fools - not just in April but year 'round - to stay in Washington State another minute."
Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski was quick to welcome the Washington 632, and, in an apparently unscripted moment, admitted that the passage of Measures 66 and 67 was in part a marketing strategy designed to attract Washington businesses.
"Actually, we'd always wondered why Washington business owners didn't recognize that our taxes on business were actually so much lower," Kulongoski said. "But we thought it wouldn't be neighborly to just run ads in Washington saying 'cross the river, your taxes will be lower.' We realized last year that a campaign over a small business tax increase in Oregon would actually have the side effect of publicizing how low Oregon taxes on businesses actually are."
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connect with blueoregon
5:00 p.m.
Apr 8, '10
I actually wonder how many of these businesses will actually move to Oregon, and how many of them are just standard GOP lying asswipes.
I mean, I'm still chuckling over the anonymous source who formed the basis of the front page article in the Oregonian, which claimed people were going to leave the state in droves over the temporary tax rate increase imposed by M66 and M67 (set to expire in three years).
The anonymous "high tech businessman" was clearly either stupid or, more likely, lying, but of course the Oregonian now doesn't print letters to the editor pointing out how much their front page has become propaganda.
People who really run businesses know that locale is more than just a tiny fraction of your profits, compared to the quality of your employees, morale, infrastructure, and general economic environment. Every time you point out that Somalia is a Republican's supposed paradise (or would be, except that it has too many black people), they immediately run away - only to start lying to someone else.
Apr 8, '10
Have any of these "GOP lyin' asswipes" ever move a company before? The compensation headaches alone for staff and exec team negates any alleged tax benefit at the new location.
Companies move for a lot of reasons, but taxes are pretty much at the bottom of the list.
6:02 p.m.
Apr 8, '10
Steve, could post a link to the original source? Otherwise, this reads like parody. (If it is, good work! Hilarious!)
Apr 8, '10
Steve, April Fools Day was a week ago. Nice try though.
Apr 9, '10
How desperate will you get.
When will you do the right thing and listen to the people?
Both parties want the unethical waste to end. Look at congress support and the polls, you guys must!
These very large money bubbles, like dot.com, real estate, oil, and now Government are very dangerous. Once they get to big, they pop, the down side is ugly.
I hope you begin to realize once your over the top, you start hurting the ones you claim you want to hurt.
Apr 9, '10
I'm sorry ddsh#$33672!@blahblahblah-e-i-e-i-o, was that a rant, a spew, or was there a point mixed in with all that drivel?
Apr 9, '10
Hi Scott
Yea your quotes "lyin' asswipes" your attacking other, when it appears that the jobs and this article are based on a false article.
Attacking other alone is just hurting yourself.
Maybe I'm wrong but I could not find a single job moving to Oregon, from Washington, not one, zero, nothing, outside of this board.
I'll be silent, if you could document say 300 companies moving to Oregon, or half of what's been claimed on this board today.
You have accused other of lying about? based on facts I just can't confirm.
how hypocritical is this? accusing other of lying based on a report that appears 100% false.
I became very upset knowing Obama said he would be againt the health care plan if it put us a dime into deficit.
When, I knew he was cooking the books putting us billion in the hole. He was attacking the insurance companies at the same time for doing wrong, but if the issuance companies cooked the books, as bad as Obama did, they would go to jail for a long time.
It appears your creating your own news to inflate your own false egos, and to defend them you attack others and to keep alive you own hope and dreams, but your just attacking common sense.
It awful when you believe your government is just very un-ethical.
Apr 9, '10
Those WA business owners need a new PR firm since the only reference to this "announcement" on Google are links to this article.
BO didn't merge with Fox News yesterday did it?
Apr 9, '10
I wonder when the Oregonian will run a front-pager titled, "Oregon seeks to poach Washington businesses in light of tax increase" or whatever other similar garbage they were spouting about Chicago and Idaho.
Apr 9, '10
News "The U.S. jobless rate remains unchanged at 9.7 percent, but the 4-week rolling average in the number of initial claims rose by 2,250 to 450,250.
The biggest increases in claims for the week ending March 27 were reported by Texas with 3,640 additional claims; Oregon, which added 2,412; and New Jersey, which added 1,715, the report said."
This is what I found for jobs in Oregon today, not more false propaganda.
Apr 9, '10
It looks like Vancouver dermatologist Jim Dunning is just about the only doctor who cannot be found on the Internet or in the State of Washington doctors database ...
Apr 9, '10
I wish Oregon and Washington would equalize their tax policy. I don't care what... income, sales, B & O, just get together and make it the same. Level the playing field on both sides of the Columbia. Imagine if as many commuters were heading north as were heading south in the morning. No need for a new mega bridge. Then cap it with high speed rail between Portland and Seattle. With Microsoft as the northern anchor and Intel as the southern we could become an economic powerhouse.
Apr 9, '10
@exitoregon Jim Dunning cannot be found in: Washington State Business Registry Washington State Dermatology Association National American Academy of Dermatology Washington State Academy of Dermatology Washington State Medical Association
Apr 9, '10
A call to the Washington State Health Department verified that there is no one practicing under the name “James Dunning” or “Jim Dunning.” The only result for “J Dunning” was a “Jaylene Dunning.” Using just the search term of “Dunning” 58 results were returned none of which were located in Vancouver.
Apr 9, '10
You needed a disclaimer at the end of your parody.
1:56 p.m.
Apr 9, '10
When will you do the right thing and listen to the people?
We did. They voted in favor of measures 66 and 67.
Apr 9, '10
Kari your quote
"We did. They voted in favor of measures 66 and 67."
Your right of course.
So your big basis of claim, was that for 66-67 that you wanted to raise more money to help the schools. Voters got that!
Now the state budget went up from 50 to 55 billion, or around 5 billion. Then add in, the schools got cut over 200 million in the same budget.
With the state budget going up( big time in a recession) and the schools go down.
So please explain where I'm wrong, with my simple math, I can't see where one single dime from 66-67 went to the schools.
I just want to understand, so my real question for you, is the claim that 66-67 money was for schools, was this another parody for the voters?
Apr 9, '10
Dermatologist Jim Dunning? He's real. He removed a Zit from my ass. That Zit was approximately 4'9" tall with a hook on it.
Apr 14, '10